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Partition array using index in ruby



I'm looking for an elegant way to partition an array by using index in ruby


    => [["a","b",3],["c",5]]

So far the best that I can think is using the below

["a","b",3,"c",5].partition.each_with_index{|val,index| index <= 2}
    => [["a","b",3],["c",5]]

Is there any other elegant way to accomplish this?


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Ignatius Monthy Avatar asked Jul 18 '13 15:07

Ignatius Monthy

Video Answer

4 Answers

You can do:

["a","b",3,"c",5].partition.with_index { |_, index| index <= 2 }

Following @toro2k advice, I think this is a better solution because you are combining the two Enumerators to get the desired output.

If you don’t pass a block of code to partition, it returns an Enumerator object instead. Enumerators have a with_index method that will maintain the current loop index.

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nicosantangelo Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11


Why don't you use array.slice!

array#slice! Deletes the element(s) given by an index (optionally up to length elements) or by a range.

> a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 5]
> b = a.slice! 0, 2 # => ['a', 'b'] 
> a # => ['c', 5]

In your case,

> [a.slice!(0, index), a]
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egghese Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11


You could use Enumerable's take and drop methods:

a = ["a","b",3,"c",5]
[a.take(3), a.drop(3)]  # => [["a", "b", 3], ["c", 5]]

I made an Enumerable quick reference sheet you might want to consult for questions like this.

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David Grayson Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

David Grayson

This can be done, but not sure if it elegant or not :

a = ["a","b",3,"c",5]
index = 2
[a[0..index], a[index+1..-1]]


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Mike Li Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11

Mike Li