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Partially Evaluating Python Classmethod Based on Where It's Accessed From



I have what is essentially the following in python:

class X(object): pass

class Y(object):
  def method(cls, x_inst, *args, **kwargs):
    #do some work here that requires an instance of x

What I would like to do is add a dynamic property to all instances of X allowing acces to Y that implicitly fills in the first parameter of the method with the given instance. E.G I would like the following code to work identically:

# current
x = X()
result = Y.method(x, 1, 2, 3)

# desired
x = X()
x.Y.method(1, 2, 3)

There are several methods on several subclasses that I would like to implement this behaviour for. What I have done currently is to create a YProxy class that X actually returns, and then put split some of the code into that. It seems rather inelegant and hard to maintain however:

class X(object):
  def Y(self):
    return YProxy(self)

class Y(object):
  def method(cls, x_inst, *args, **kwargs):
    #do some work here that requires an instance of x

class YProxy(object):
  def __init__(self, x_inst):
    self.x_inst = x_inst

  def method(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return Y.method(self.x_inst, *args, **kwargs)

Is there any way to conditionally partially evaluate the classmethods on an object?

like image 538
dave mankoff Avatar asked Jan 21 '12 22:01

dave mankoff

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1 Answers

It can be done with a Descriptor object + a wrapper class ad explicitly declaring the classes you need to wrap on this way on your target class.

A descriptor object is any object defining a __get__ method, which allows one to customize the attribute retrieving when the descriptor is part of a class. On this case, we want that when that attribute - which is the "Y" class - is retrieved from an instance, whenever a method is retrieved from that class, the instance is inserted on the parameter list.

This requires that the attribute retrieved be itself a "proxy" class with custom attribute access to allow the dynamic wrapping to take note.

Translating all this into Python, we have:

import types
from functools import partial

class APIWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, apicls, instance):
        self._apicls = apicls
        self._instance = instance
    def __getattribute__(self, attr):
        apicls = object.__getattribute__(self, "_apicls")
        instance = object.__getattribute__(self,"_instance")
        obj = getattr(apicls, attr)
        if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType):
            return partial(obj,instance)
        return obj

class APIProperty(object):
    def __init__(self, cls):
        self.cls = cls
    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        return APIWrapper(self.cls, instance)

class Y(object):
    def method(cls, x, *args):
        print cls, x, args

class X(object):
    Y = APIProperty(Y)

#Example usage: 
x = X()

(prints <class '__main__.Y'> <__main__.X object at 0x18ad090> (1, 2, 3) when run)

But I suppose you don't want to need to write

Y = APIWrapper(Y) 

for each of the classes you want to wrap on this way. (And have those classes defined after the wrapped class so that Y already has been parsed when X body is parsed).

This can be done with metaclasses, class decorators, which would have to be defined for each class you'd want to apply the methods - instead, I made a function that is to be called at the end of the module definition, where you define your "X" class - this function will add the desired classes as attributes for each class defined (in my example, I want the class to be marked with an "auto_api" attribute - but suit yourself) - Thus, the "auto_api" function, the definition of the X and Y classes becomes like this (using the same APIProperty and APIWrapper as above)

def auto_api(api_classes, glob_dict):
    for key, value in glob_dict.items():
        if isinstance(value, type) and hasattr(value, "auto_api"):
            for api_class in api_classes:
                setattr(value, api_class.__name__, APIProperty(api_class))

class X(object):
    auto_api = True

class Y(object):
    def method(cls, x, *args):
        print cls, x, args

auto_api((Y,), globals())


x = X()
like image 114
jsbueno Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
