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Partial application of curried constructors in Scala




Consider the following:

class A(foo: Int)(bar: Int)(baz: Int)
object A{
    def apply(foo: Int)(bar: Int)(baz: Int) = new A(foo)(bar)(baz)

With the apply method I can do the following:

scala> A(1)(2)(3)
res12: Script.A = Script$A@7a6229e9

scala> A(1)_
res13: Int => (Int => Script.A) = <function1>

Why is it that I can't do the following:

scala> new A(1)_
<console>:21: error: missing arguments for constructor A in class A
              new A(1)_

Am I missing something syntax wise? I thought constructors are meant to be just methods on the class, so they should be lifted to functions when needed (much like the apply method above)

like image 780
Henry Henrinson Avatar asked Jun 26 '14 09:06

Henry Henrinson

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1 Answers

Calling new on the class supposed to create an instance of that class (A in you case), but what you are trying to do with new A(1) _ is to make an instance of A class without complete data for the contractor, which is essentially not logical at all. But writing A(1) _ is correct and logical cause in this case you are lifting a method into a function (apply method from A companion object) which already has all the data to make an instance of that class.

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4lex1v Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10
