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Parsing youtube url

I've written a ruby youtube url parser. It's designed to take an input of a youtube url of one of the following structures (these are currently the youtube url structures that I could find, maybe there's more?):


The aim is to save just the id of the clip or playlist so that it can be embedded, so if it's a clip: 'sGE4HMvDe-Q', or if it's a playlist: 'p/A0C3C1D163BE880A'

The parser I wrote works fine for these urls, but seems a bit brittle and long-winded, I'm just wondering if someone could suggest a nicer ruby approach to this problem?

def parse_youtube
    a = url.split('//').last.split('/')
    b = a.last.split('watch?v=').last.split('?').first.split('&').first
    if a[1] == 'p'
        url = "p/#{b}"
        url = b
like image 317
Paul Nelligan Avatar asked Jul 02 '11 11:07

Paul Nelligan

People also ask

What is parsing URL?

URL parsing is a function of traffic management and load-balancing products that scan URLs to determine how to forward traffic across different links or into different servers. A URL includes a protocol identifier (http, for Web traffic) and a resource name, such as www.microsoft.com.

How do I extract a link from YouTube?

Locate a URL using a browser on a computerIn your browser, open YouTube. Find and click the video whose URL you want to see. The URL of the video will be in the address bar.

What is YouTube URL for shortcut?

To use youtu.be manually, simply take a URL like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdeioVndUhs and replace the “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=” with “http://youtu.be/” to get: http://youtu.be/FdeioVndUhs Plug that shorter URL into a browser, and you'll see it redirects to that video.

2 Answers

def parse_youtube url
   regex = /(?:.be\/|\/watch\?v=|\/(?=p\/))([\w\/\-]+)/

urls = %w[http://youtu.be/sGE4HMvDe-Q 

urls.each {|url| puts parse_youtube url }
# sGE4HMvDe-Q
# Lp7E973zozc
# p/A0C3C1D163BE880A

Depending on how you use this, you might want a better validation that the URL is indeed from youtube.


Coming back to this a few years later. I've always been annoyed by how sloppy the original answer was. Since the validity of the Youtube domain wasn't validated anyway, I've removed some of the slop.

NODE                     EXPLANATION
  (?:                      group, but do not capture:
    .                        any character except \n
    be                       'be'
    \/                       '/'
   |                        OR
    \/                       '/'
    watch                    'watch'
    \?                       '?'
    v=                       'v='
   |                        OR
    \/                       '/'
    (?=                      look ahead to see if there is:
      p                        'p'
      \/                       '/'
    )                        end of look-ahead
  )                        end of grouping
  (                        group and capture to \1:
    [\w\/\-]+                any character of: word characters (a-z,
                             A-Z, 0-9, _), '\/', '\-' (1 or more
                             times (matching the most amount
  )                        end of \1
like image 132
dee-see Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10


Using the Addressable gem, you can save yourself some work. There's also a URI module in stdlib, but Addressable is more powerful.

require 'addressable/uri'

uri = Addressable::URI.parse(youtube_url)
if uri.path == "/watch"
  uri.query_values["v"] if uri.query_values

EDIT | Removed madness. Didn't notice Addressable provides #query_values already.

like image 20
d11wtq Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10
