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Parsing Large XML files w/ Ruby & Nokogiri





I have a large XML file (about 10K rows) I need to parse regularly that is in this format:

         <name>Name 1</name>
         <value>Val 1</value>
     ...... 10,000 more times

What I'd like to do is parse each of the individual nodes using nokogiri to count the amount of items in one category. Then, I'd like to subtract that number from the total_count to get an ouput that reads "Count of Interest_Category: n, Count of All Else: z".

This is my code now:


require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'

icount = 0 
xmlfeed = Nokogiri::XML(open("/path/to/file/all.xml"))
all_items = xmlfeed.xpath("//items")

  all_items.each do |adv|
            if (adv.children.filter("cat").first.child.inner_text.include? "partofcatname")
                icount = icount + 1

othercount = xmlfeed.xpath("//totalcount").inner_text.to_i - icount 

puts icount
puts othercount

This seems to work, but is very slow! I'm talking more than 10 minutes for 10,000 items. Is there a better way to do this? Am I doing something in a less than optimal fashion?

like image 759
DNadel Avatar asked May 14 '12 17:05


People also ask

How do I parse XML in Ruby?

Here is the example: XML parsing can be done in ruby with the help of a gem called Nokogiri. Nokogiri is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri’s many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors.

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If you want to use XSLT4R from within an application, you can include XSLT and input the parameters you need. Here is the example: XML parsing can be done in ruby with the help of a gem called Nokogiri. Nokogiri is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri’s many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors.

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Depending on your environment, Oga may be better suited as a fast enough XML parsers for Ruby with a much better interface and faster installation time. Not the answer you're looking for?

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Nokogiri is based on libxml2, which is one of the fastest XML/HTML parsers in any language. It is written in C, but there are bindings in many languages. The problem is that the more complex the file, the longer it takes to build a complete DOM structure in memory.

1 Answers

Here's an example comparing a SAX parser count with a DOM-based count, counting 500,000 <item>s with one of seven categories. First, the output:

Create XML file: 1.7s
Count via SAX: 12.9s
Create DOM: 1.6s
Count via DOM: 2.5s

Both techniques produce the same hash counting the number of each category seen:

{"Cats"=>71423, "Llamas"=>71290, "Pigs"=>71730, "Sheep"=>71491, "Dogs"=>71331, "Cows"=>71536, "Hogs"=>71199}

The SAX version takes 12.9s to count and categorize, while the DOM version takes only 1.6s to create the DOM elements and 2.5s more to find and categorize all the <cat> values. The DOM version is around 3x as fast!

…but that's not the entire story. We have to look at RAM usage as well.

  • For 500,000 items SAX (12.9s) peaks at 238MB of RAM; DOM (4.1s) peaks at 1.0GB.
  • For 1,000,000 items SAX (25.5s) peaks at 243MB of RAM; DOM (8.1s) peaks at 2.0GB.
  • For 2,000,000 items SAX (55.1s) peaks at 250MB of RAM; DOM (???) peaks at 3.2GB.

I had enough memory on my machine to handle 1,000,000 items, but at 2,000,000 I ran out of RAM and had to start using virtual memory. Even with an SSD and a fast machine I let the DOM code run for almost ten minutes before finally killing it.

It is very likely that the long times you are reporting are because you are running out of RAM and hitting the disk continuously as part of virtual memory. If you can fit the DOM into memory, use it, as it is FAST. If you can't, however, you really have to use the SAX version.

Here's the test code:

require 'nokogiri'

CATEGORIES = %w[ Cats Dogs Hogs Cows Sheep Pigs Llamas ]
ITEM_COUNT = 500_000

def test!
  sleep 2; GC.start # Time to read memory before cleaning the slate
  sleep 2; GC.start # Time to read memory before cleaning the slate

def time(label)
  t1 = Time.now
  yield.tap{ puts "%s: %.1fs" % [ label, Time.now-t1 ] }

def test_sax
  item_counts = time("Count via SAX") do
    counter = CategoryCounter.new
    # Use parse_file so we can stream data from disk instead of flooding RAM
  # p item_counts

def test_dom
  doc = time("Create DOM"){ File.open('tmp.xml','r'){ |f| Nokogiri.XML(f) } }
  counts = time("Count via DOM") do
    counts = Hash.new(0)
    doc.xpath('//cat').each do |cat|
      counts[cat.children[0].content] += 1
  # p counts

class CategoryCounter < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document
  attr_reader :category_counts
  def initialize
    @category_counts = Hash.new(0)
  def start_element(name,att=nil)
    @count = name=='cat'
  def characters(str)
    if @count
      @category_counts[str] += 1
      @count = false

def create_xml
  time("Create XML file") do
    File.open('tmp.xml','w') do |f|
      f << "<root>
        ITEM_COUNT.times.map{ |i|
            <name>Name #{i}</name>
            <name>Value #{i}</name>

test! if __FILE__ == $0

How does the DOM Counting Work?

If we strip away some of the test structure, the DOM-based counter looks like this:

# Open the file on disk and pass it to Nokogiri so that it can stream read;
# Better than  doc = Nokogiri.XML(IO.read('tmp.xml'))
# which requires us to load a huge string into memory just to parse it
doc = File.open('tmp.xml','r'){ |f| Nokogiri.XML(f) }

# Create a hash with default '0' values for any 'missing' keys
counts = Hash.new(0) 

# Find every `<cat>` element in the document (assumes one per <item>)
doc.xpath('//cat').each do |cat|
  # Get the child text node's content and use it as the key to the hash
  counts[cat.children[0].content] += 1

How does the SAX counting Work?

First, let's focus on this code:

class CategoryCounter < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document
  attr_reader :category_counts
  def initialize
    @category_counts = Hash.new(0)
  def start_element(name,att=nil)
    @count = name=='cat'
  def characters(str)
    if @count
      @category_counts[str] += 1
      @count = false

When we create a new instance of this class we get an object that has a Hash that defaults to 0 for all values, and a couple of methods that can be called on it. The SAX Parser will call these methods as it runs through the document.

  • Each time the SAX parser sees a new element it will call the start_element method on this class. When that happens, we set a flag based on whether this element is named "cat" or not (so that we can find the name of it later).

  • Each time the SAX parser slurps up a chunk of text it calls the characters method of our object. When that happens, we check to see if the last element we saw was a category (i.e. if @count was set to true); if so, we use the value of this text node as the category name and add one to our counter.

To use our custom object with Nokogiri's SAX parser we do this:

# Create a new instance, with its empty hash
counter = CategoryCounter.new

# Create a new parser that will call methods on our object, and then
# use `parse_file` so that it streams data from disk instead of flooding RAM

# Once that's done, we can get the hash of category counts back from our object
counts = counter.category_counts
p counts["Pigs"]
like image 155
Phrogz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10
