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Parsing JSON that has a nested array of objects in Dart?


I am making a Flutter app and I am using The MovieDB api to get data. When I call the api and ask for a specific movie, this is the general format that I get back:

{    "adult": false,     "backdrop_path": "/wrqUiMXttHE4UBFMhLHlN601MZh.jpg",     "belongs_to_collection": null,     "budget": 120000000,     "genres": [         {             "id": 28,             "name": "Action"         },         {             "id": 12,             "name": "Adventure"         },         {             "id": 878,             "name": "Science Fiction"         }     ],     "homepage": "http://www.rampagethemovie.com",     "id": 427641,     "imdb_id": "tt2231461",     "original_language": "en",     "original_title": "Rampage", ... } 

I have setup a model class for to parse this and the class is defined as such:

import 'dart:async';  class MovieDetail {   final String title;   final double rating;   final String posterArtUrl;   final backgroundArtUrl;   final List<Genre> genres;   final String overview;   final String tagline;   final int id;    const MovieDetail(       {this.title, this.rating, this.posterArtUrl, this.backgroundArtUrl, this.genres, this.overview, this.tagline, this.id});    MovieDetail.fromJson(Map jsonMap)       : title = jsonMap['title'],         rating = jsonMap['vote_average'].toDouble(),         posterArtUrl = "http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w342" + jsonMap['backdrop_path'],         backgroundArtUrl = "http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500" + jsonMap['poster_path'],         genres = (jsonMap['genres']).map((i) => Genre.fromJson(i)).toList(),         overview = jsonMap['overview'],         tagline = jsonMap['tagline'],         id = jsonMap['id']; } class Genre {   final int id;   final String genre;    const Genre(this.id, this.genre);    Genre.fromJson(Map jsonMap)     : id = jsonMap['id'],       genre = jsonMap['name']; } 

My issue is that I can't get the genre to parse properly from the JSON. When I get the JSON and pass it through my model class, I get the following error:

I/flutter (10874): type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Genre>' where I/flutter (10874):   List is from dart:core I/flutter (10874):   List is from dart:core I/flutter (10874):   Genre is from package:flutter_app_first/models/movieDetail.dart 

I thought this would work because I have made a different class for the Genre object and passed in the JSON array as a list. I don't understand how List<dynamic> isn't a child of List<Genre> because doesn't the keyword dynamic imply any object? Does anyone know how to parse a nested JSON array into custom objects?

like image 808
rakeshdas Avatar asked May 15 '18 23:05


People also ask

Can you have nested arrays in JSON?

JSON can store nested objects in JSON format in addition to nested arrays. These objects and arrays will be passed as values assigned to keys, and may be comprised of key-value pairs as well.

1 Answers

Try genres = (jsonMap['genres'] as List).map((i) => Genre.fromJson(i)).toList()

The issue: calling map without the cast makes it a dynamic call, which means the return type from Genre.fromJson is also dynamic (not Genre).

Take a look at https://flutter.io/json/ for some hints.

There are solutions, like https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/json_serializable, that makes this much easier

like image 112
Kevin Moore Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10

Kevin Moore