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Parsing HTML document: Regular expression or LINQ?

Trying to parse an HTML document and extract some elements (any links to text files).

The current strategy is to load an HTML document into a string. Then find all instances of links to text files. It could be any file type, but for this question, it's a text file.

The end goal is to have an IEnumerable list of string objects. That part is easy, but parsing the data is the question.

<div>Here is your first text file: <a href="http://myServer.com/blah.txt"></div>
<span>Here is your second text file: <a href="http://myServer.com/blarg2.txt"></span>
<div>Here is your third text file: <a href="http://myServer.com/bat.txt"></div>
<div>Here is your fourth text file: <a href="http://myServer.com/somefile.txt"></div>
<div>Thanks for visiting!</div>

The initial approaches are:

  • load the string into an XML document, and attack it in a Linq-To-Xml fashion.
  • create a regex, to look for a string starting with href=, and ending with .txt

The question being:

  • what would that regex look like? I am a regex newbie, and this is part of my regex learning.
  • which method would you use to extract a list of tags?
  • which would be the most performant way?
  • which method would be the most readable/maintainable?

Update: Kudos to Matthew on the HTML Agility Pack suggestion. It worked just fine! The XPath suggestion works as well. I wish I could mark both answers as 'The Answer', but I obviously cannot. They are both valid solutions to the problem.

Here's a C# console app using the regex suggested by Jeff. It reads the string fine, and will not include any href that is not ended with .txt. With the given sample, it correctly does NOT include the .txt.snarg file in the results (as provided in the HTML string function).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;

namespace ParsePageLinks
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

        static List<string> GetAllLinksFromStringByRegex()
            string myHtmlString = BuildHtmlString();
            string txtFileExp = "href=\"([^\\\"]*\\.txt)\"";

            List<string> foundTextFiles = new List<string>();

            MatchCollection textFileLinkMatches = Regex.Matches(myHtmlString, txtFileExp, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            foreach (Match m in textFileLinkMatches)
                foundTextFiles.Add( m.Groups[1].ToString()); // this is your captured group

            return files;

            static string BuildHtmlString()
                return new StringReader(@"<html><head><title>Blah</title></head><body><br/>
<div>Here is your first text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/blah.txt""></div>
<span>Here is your second text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/blarg2.txt""></span>
<div>Here is your third text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/bat.txt.snarg""></div>
<div>Here is your fourth text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/somefile.txt""></div>
<div>Thanks for visiting!</div></body></html>").ReadToEnd();
like image 717
p.campbell Avatar asked May 25 '09 17:05


People also ask

Is it possible to parse HTML with regular expression?

Admittedly, a regular expression is not the first choice to correctly parse HTML, because there are some common mistakes such as missing closing tags, mismatching some tags, etc. when parsing HTML with regular expression.

What can you do with regex?

This is an excerpt from Wikipedia used to define the regular expression. What you can do with RegEx? Regular expressions can be used to match HTML tags and extract the data in HTML documents. HTML is virtually composed of strings, and what makes regular expression so powerful is, a regular expression can match different strings.

How to parse HTML documents with JavaScript?

There is also an extension to integrate scripting in the contest of parsing HTML documents: both C# and JavaScript, based on Jint. Which means that you can parse HTML documents after they have been modified by JavaScript. Both the JavaScript included in the page or a script you add yourself.

Why do we need to learn regular expressions?

Every programmer or someone who wants to extract web data is strongly recommended to learn regular expressions because this tool improves your working efficiency and productivity. < (\S*?) [^>]*>.*?</\1>|<.*?/>

1 Answers

Neither. Load it into an (X/HT)MLDocument and use XPath, which is a standard method of manipulating XML and very powerful. The functions to look at are SelectNodes and SelectSingleNode.

Since you are apparently using HTML (not XHTML), you should use HTML Agility Pack. Most of the methods and properties match the related XML classes.

Sample implementation using XPath:

    HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
    doc.Load(new StringReader(@"<html>
<div>Here is your first text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/blah.txt""></div>
<span>Here is your second text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/blarg2.txt""></span>
<div>Here is your third text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/bat.txt""></div>
<div>Here is your fourth text file: <a href=""http://myServer.com/somefile.txt""></div>
<div>Thanks for visiting!</div>
        HtmlNode root = doc.DocumentNode;
        // 3 = ".txt".Length - 1.  See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/402211/how-to-use-xpath-function-in-a-xpathexpression-instance-programatically
        HtmlNodeCollection links = root.SelectNodes("//a[@href['.txt' = substring(., string-length(.)- 3)]]");
    IList<string> fileStrings;
    if(links != null)
        fileStrings = new List<string>(links.Count);
        foreach(HtmlNode link in links)
        fileStrings.Add(link.GetAttributeValue("href", null));
        fileStrings = new List<string>(0);
like image 137
Matthew Flaschen Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 18:11

Matthew Flaschen