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Parsing CSS background-image

How do I parse CSS background-image, which supports multiple values, which may be none and functions (e.g. url() and linear-gradient()) with multiple comma-separated arguments? I can't seem to do this correctly with regexps. A good test case is as follows:

  linear-gradient(top left, red, rgba(255,0,0,0))
, url(a)
, image(url(b.svg), 'b.png' 150dpi, 'b.gif', rgba(0,0,255,0.5))
, none

Which I'd want to convert to the following array:

      "linear-gradient(top left, red, rgba(255,0,0,0))"
    , "url(a)"
    , "image(url(b.svg), 'b.png' 150dpi, 'b.gif', rgba(0,0,255,0.5))"
    , "none"
like image 263
Eli Grey Avatar asked Aug 07 '11 01:08

Eli Grey

3 Answers

function split (string) {
    var token = /((?:[^"']|".*?"|'.*?')*?)([(,)]|$)/g;
    return (function recurse () {
        for (var array = [];;) {
            var result = token.exec(string);
            if (result[2] == '(') {
                array.push(result[1].trim() + '(' + recurse().join(',') + ')');
                result = token.exec(string);
            } else array.push(result[1].trim());
            if (result[2] != ',') return array

split("linear-gradient(top left, red, rgba(255,0,0,0)), url(a), image(url" +
      "(b.svg), 'b.png' 150dpi, 'b.gif', rgba(0,0,255,0.5)), none").toSource()

["linear-gradient(top left,red,rgba(255,0,0,0))", "url(a)",
 "image(url(b.svg),'b.png' 150dpi,'b.gif',rgba(0,0,255,0.5))", "none"]
like image 187
Hafydd Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11


Looking at the current W3C Candidate Recommendation for CSS3 (in particular, see background-image and uri), it is structured as follows:

<background-image> = <bg-image> [ , <bg-image> ]* 
<bg-image> = <image> | none
<image> = <url> | <image-list> | <element-reference> | <image-combination> | <gradient>

... (you can find the rest of syntax for images here)


You will need to parse for matching parenthese or none then, and the former is not possible with regex. This post has a pseudo code for the algorithm: Python parsing bracketed blocks.

like image 34
William Niu Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

William Niu

I know, the question is pretty old, but if you stumble over it and need another solution, you can use this one:

let mydiv = document.getElementById('mydiv'),
  result = document.getElementById('result'),
  bgImageArray = getBackgroundImageArray(mydiv);


result.innerHTML = bgImageArray.join('<hr>');

function getBackgroundImageArray(el)
    // get backgroundImageStyle
    let bgimg_style = getComputedStyle(el).backgroundImage,
        // count for parenthesis
        parenthesis = -1;

    // split background by characters...
    return bgimg_style.split('').reduce((str_to_split, character) => {
        // if opening parenthesis
        if(character === '(') {
            // if first opening parenthesis set parenthesis count to zero
            if(parenthesis === -1) {
                parenthesis = 0;
            // add 1 to parenthesis count
        // for closing parenthesis reduce parenthesis count by 1
        else if(character === ')') {
        else {
            // if current character is a comma and it is not inside a parenthesis, at a "split" character
            if(character === ',') {
                if(parenthesis === 0) {
                    str_to_split += '||';
                    return str_to_split;
        // else keep the character
        str_to_split += character;
        return str_to_split;
    }, '')
    // split the resulting string by the split characters including whitespaces before and after to generate an array
#mydiv {
  height: 75px;
    /* first bg image */
    linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(28,221,218,1) 0%, rgba(45,109,210,1) 35%, rgba(0,212,255,1) 100%),
    /* second bg image */
    -webkit-image-set(url(nothing.jpg) 1x, url(everything.png) 2x),

    /* third bg image */
<div id="mydiv"></div>

<p>See in console for actual result array, below is the array splitted by &lt;hr&gt;</p>

<div id="result"></div>
like image 1
Frank Eisenhardt Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Frank Eisenhardt