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Parsing address_components in Google Maps upon autocomplete select


I have the following code to parse the country when the autocomplete list is selected:

$('#spot_address').autocomplete({   // This bit uses the geocoder to fetch address values   source: function(request, response) {     geocoder.geocode( {'address': request.term }, function(results, status) {       // Get address_components       for (var i = 0; i < results[0].address_components.length; i++)       {         var addr = results[0].address_components[i];         var getCountry;         if (addr.types[0] == 'country')            getCountry = addr.long_name;       }       response($.map(results, function(item) {         return {           label: item.formatted_address,           value: item.formatted_address,           latitude: item.geometry.location.lat(),           longitude: item.geometry.location.lng(),           country: getCountry         }       }));     })   },    // This bit is executed upon selection of an address   select: function(event, ui) {     // Get values     $('#spot_country').val(ui.item.country);     $('#spot_lat').val(ui.item.latitude);     $('#spot_lng').val(ui.item.longitude);     var location = new google.maps.LatLng(ui.item.latitude, ui.item.longitude);     marker.setPosition(location);     map.setCenter(location);   },    // Changes the current marker when autocomplete dropdown list is focused   focus: function(event, ui) {     var location = new google.maps.LatLng(ui.item.latitude, ui.item.longitude);     marker.setPosition(location);     map.setCenter(location);   } }); 

However, the code above doesn't work, and when the country is parsed, only the first result of the autocomplete is parsed no matter what, which is significant with the array results[0] because it only fetches the first result.

I tried to move it to the select function, but ui in select only contains formatted_address, longitude and latitude, but not the address_components.

What must I do to send the correct country when the autocomplete list item is selected?

Many thanks.

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Victor Avatar asked Nov 10 '11 16:11


People also ask

How do I restrict Google Maps autocomplete to certain cities?

It is currently not possible to restrict results to a specific locality. You can use bounds as you have done so above to bias results towards, but not restricted to places contained within the specified bounds. If you believe restriction by locality would be a useful feature please file a Places API - Feature Request.

1 Answers

General solution:

var address_components = results[0].address_components; var components={};  jQuery.each(address_components, function(k,v1) {jQuery.each(v1.types, function(k2, v2){components[v2]=v1.long_name});}); 

Now your components looks like this:

street_number: "1100",  route: "E Hector St",  locality: "Conshohocken",  political: "United States",  administrative_area_level_3: "Whitemarsh"… administrative_area_level_1: "Pennsylvania" administrative_area_level_2: "Montgomery" administrative_area_level_3: "Whitemarsh" country: "United States" locality: "Conshohocken" political: "United States" postal_code: "19428" route: "E Hector St" street_number: "1100" 

Which you can query like this:

like image 131
William Entriken Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

William Entriken