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Parsers and Compilers for Dummies. Where to start? [duplicate]

This is a good listing, but what is the best one for a complete newb in this area. One for someone coming from a higher level background (VB6,C#,Java,Python) - not to familiar with C or C++. I'm much more interested in hand-written parsing versus Lex/Yacc at this stage.

If I had just majored in Computer Science instead of Psychology I might have taken a class on this in college. Oh well.

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BuddyJoe Avatar asked Jan 08 '09 22:01


1 Answers

Please have a look at: learning to write a compiler

Also interesting:

  • how to write a programming language
  • parsing where can i learn about it
  • learning resources on parsers interpreters and compilers (ok you already mentioned this one.

And there are more on the topic. But I can give a short introduction:

The first step is the lexical analysis. A stream of characters is translated into a stream of tokens. Tokens can be simple like == <= + - (etc) and they can be complex like identifiers and numbers. If you like I can elaborate on this.

The next step is to translate the tokenstream into a syntaxtree or an other representation. This is called the parsing step.

Before you can create a parser, you need to write the grammar. For example we create an expression parser:


addOp = '+' | '-';
mulOp = '*' | '/';
parLeft = '(';
parRight = ')';
number = digit, {digit};
digit = '0'..'9';

Each token can have different representations: + and = are both addOp and 
23 6643 and 223322 are all numbers.

The language

exp = term | exp, addOp, term;  
// an expression is a series of terms separated by addOps.
term = factor | term, mulOp, factor;
// a term is a series of factors separated by mulOps
factor = addOp, factor | parLeft, exp, parRight | number;
// a factor can be an addOp followed by another factor, 
// an expression enclosed in parentheses or a number.

The lexer

We create a state engine that walks through the char stream, creating a token

  '+', '-' -> s01       // if a + or - is found, read it and go to state s01.
  '*', '/' -> s02
  '('      -> s03
  ')'      -> s04
  '0'..'9' -> s05
  whitespace -> ignore and retry  // if a whitespace is found ignore it
  else ERROR      // sorry but we don't recognize this character in this state.
  found TOKEN addOp     // ok we have found an addOp, stop reading and return token
  found TOKEN mulOp
  found TOKEN parLeft
  found TOKEN parRight
  '0'..'9'     -> s05    // as long as we find digits, keep collecting them
  else found number      // last digit read, we have a number


It is now time to create a simple parser/evaluator. This is complete in code. Normally they are created using tables. But we keep it simple. Read the tokens and calculate the result.

  temp = ParseTerm // start by reading a term
  while token = addOp do
    // as long as we read an addop keep reading terms
    if token('+') then temp = temp + ParseTerm  // + so we add the term
    if token('-') then temp = temp - ParseTerm  // - so we subtract the term
  return temp // we are done with the expression

  temp = ParseFactor
  while token = mulOp do
    if token('*') then temp = temp * ParseFactor
    if token('/') then temp = temp / ParseFactor
  return temp

  if token = addOp then
    if token('-') then return - ParseFactor  // yes we can have a lot of these
    if token('+') then return ParseFactor
  else if token = parLeft then
    return ParseExpression
    if not token = parRight then ERROR
  else if token = number then
    return EvaluateNumber   // use magic to translate a string into a number

This was a simple example. In real examples you will see that error handling is a big part of the parser.

I hope this clarified a bit ;-).

like image 191
Toon Krijthe Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Toon Krijthe