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Parse Math Expression [duplicate]





Is there an easy way to parse a simple math expression represented as a string such as (x+(2*x)/(1-x)), provide a value for x, and get a result?

I looked at the VSAEngine per several online examples, however, I am getting a warning that this assembly has been deprecated and not to use it.

If it makes any differences, I am using .NET 4.0.

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Brandon Avatar asked Oct 19 '10 21:10


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1 Answers

I urge caution against choosing an existing generic expression evaluator over a purpose-built math evaluator. The reason for this is expression evaluators are not limited to math. A clever individual could use this to create an instance of any type in the framework and call any method on the type, and that would allow him to do some decidedly unwelcome things. For example: new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadFile("illegalchildpornurl", "C:\openme.gif") will evaluate just fine in most of those, and do just what it sounds like it would (and make you a felon at the same time).

This doesn't mean don't look for something that's already written; it just means be careful. You want one that does math, and only math. Most of what's already out there isn't that picky.

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Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Joel Coehoorn