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Parse LocalDataStore does not work when using Parse-Server - 'Method requires Pinning enabled.'

I have recently started using Parse-Server and have migrated my Parse App, now when I try to use Parse Local DataStore I receive the following error:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Method requires Pinning enabled.'

This is the code that produces the error:

PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"MY_CLASS_NAME"];
[query fromPinWithName:@"PIN_NAME"];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray * _Nullable objects, NSError * _Nullable error) {

If I initialise parse the old way by calling:

[Parse setApplicationId:@"APP_ID" clientKey:@"KEY"];

Then Local DataStore works fine, but if I initialise Parse the new way then I get the error:

[Parse initializeWithConfiguration:[ParseClientConfiguration configurationWithBlock:^(id<ParseMutableClientConfiguration> configuration) {

 configuration.applicationId = @"APP_ID";
 configuration.clientKey = @"KEY";
 configuration.server = @"SERVER";


I am calling [Parse enableLocalDatastore]; before Parse is being initialised, I've tried calling it after as well just to be sure.

Thanks for your time, hope you can help

like image 536
Shayno Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 23:12


1 Answers

I opened an issue on GitHub and someone there solved the problem for me:

"if you are using configuration with initialization - you need to enable a local datastore slightly differently. Add the following line into the configuration block to enable it:"

configuration.localDatastoreEnabled = YES;
like image 139
Shayno Avatar answered Jan 20 '23 23:01
