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Parse CSV file in swift

I am parsing data from csv file to dictionary with the help of github.
After parsing I am getting this type of dictionary :-

"" = "";
"\"barred_date\"" = "\"\"";
"\"company_id\"" = "\"1\"";
"\"company_name\"" = "\"\"";
"\"contact_no\"" = "\"1234567890\"";
"\"created_date\"" = "\"2015-06-01 12:43:11\"";
"\"current_project\"" = "\"111\"";
"\"designation\"" = "\"Developer\"";
"\"doj\"" = "\"2015-06-01 00:00:00\"";
"\"fin_no\"" = "\"ABC001\"";
"\"first_name\"" = "\"sssd\"";
"\"last_name\"" = "\"dd\"";
"\"project_name\"" = "\"Project 1\"";
"\"qr_code\"" = "\"12345678\"";
"\"resignation_date\"" = "\"\"";
"\"status\"" = "\"1\"";
"\"work_permit_no\"" = "\"ssdda11\"";
"\"worker_id\"" = "\"1\"";
"\"worker_image\"" = "\"assets/uploads/workers/eb49364ca5c5d22f11db2e3c84ebfce6.jpeg\"";
"\"worker_image_thumb\"" = "\"assets/uploads/workers/thumbs/eb49364ca5c5d22f11db2e3c84ebfce6.jpeg\"";}

How can I convert this to simple dictionary. I need data like this "company_id" = "1"


like image 749
chakshu Avatar asked Jun 18 '15 10:06


1 Answers

I recommend using CSVImporter – it takes care of things like quoted text (following RFC 4180) for you and even handles very large files without problems.

Compared to other solutions it works both asynchronously (prevents delays) and reads your CSV file line by line instead of loading the entire String into memory (prevents memory issues). On top of that it is easy to use and provides beautiful callbacks for indicating failure, progress, completion and even data mapping if you desire to.

You can use it like this to get an array of Strings per line:

let path = "path/to/your/CSV/file"
let importer = CSVImporter<[String]>(path: path)
importer.startImportingRecords { $0 }.onFinish { importedRecords in
    for record in importedRecords {
        // record is of type [String] and contains all data in a line

Take advantage of more sophisticated features like header structure support like this:

// given this CSV file content

// you can import data in Dictionary format
let path = "path/to/Hogwarts/students"
let importer = CSVImporter<[String: String]>(path: path)
importer.startImportingRecords(structure: { (headerValues) -> Void in

    // use the header values CSVImporter has found if needed
    print(headerValues) // => ["firstName", "lastName"]

}) { $0 }.onFinish { importedRecords in

    for record in importedRecords {
        // a record is now a Dictionary with the header values as keys
        print(record) // => e.g. ["firstName": "Harry", "lastName": "Potter"]
        print(record["firstName"]) // prints "Harry" on first, "Hermione" on second run
        print(record["lastName"]) // prints "Potter" on first, "Granger" on second run
like image 198
Jeehut Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 21:10
