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Parse Apache2 Error logs with Grok for Logstash

Im trying to parse my apache2 error log and im having a bit of trouble.. It doesnt seem to be matching the filter. Im pretty sure the timestamp piece is wrong, but im not sure, and i cant really find any documentation to figure it out. Also, is there a way to get what is in fields.errmsg to me @message?


[Wed Jun 26 22:13:22 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception '\Foo\Bar'

Shipper Config

input {
        file {
                'path' => '/var/log/apache2/*-error.log'
                'type' => 'apache-error'


filter {
        grok {
                type => "apache-error"
                pattern => "\[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] \[%{WORD:class}\] \[%{WORD:originator} %{IP:clientip}\] %{GREEDYDATA:errmsg}"

output {
        stdout {}
        redis {
                'data_type' => 'list'
                'host' => 'logstash.server.net'
                'key' => 'logstash'
like image 877
Ascherer Avatar asked Jun 26 '13 22:06


People also ask

How do you parse logs with Logstash?

Logstash receives the logs using input plugins and then uses the filter plugins to parse and transform the data. The parsing and transformation of logs are performed according to the systems present in the output destination. Logstash parses the logging data and forwards only the required fields.

What is Logstash grok?

Put simply, grok is a way to match a line against a regular expression, map specific parts of the line into dedicated fields, and perform actions based on this mapping. Built-in, there are over 200 Logstash patterns for filtering items such as words, numbers, and dates in AWS, Bacula, Bro, Linux-Syslog and more.

What is in grok pattern?

A grok pattern is like a regular expression that supports aliased expressions that can be reused. This processor comes packaged with many reusable patterns. If you need help building patterns to match your logs, you will find the Grok Debugger tool quite useful! The Grok Constructor is also a useful tool.

What is grok tool?

Grok is simple software that allows you to easily parse logs and other files. With grok, you can turn unstructured log and event data into structured data. The grok program is a great tool for parsing log data and program output.

1 Answers


I know I'm a little late to the party, but here it goes!

I created a /etc/logstash/patterns.d/ directory on the system and thew a file named apache-error in it containing:

APACHE_ERROR_LOG \[%{APACHE_ERROR_TIME:timestamp}\] \[%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}\] (?:\[client %{IPORHOST:clientip}\] ){0,1}%{GREEDYDATA:errormsg}

/etc/logstash/patterns.d/ will be referenced in the logstash configuration as follows:

grok {
  patterns_dir => [ "/etc/logstash/patterns.d" ]
  match => [ "message", "%{APACHE_ERROR_LOG}" ]

You can test it out at Grok Debugger, like Adam mentioned in his comment. Seems to work just fine with the sample log entry you send. Has been working pretty solidly me with one of my clients.

The pattern above puts the final message in errormsg field. So I just delete the message field.

This is what I am currently using in my logstash configuration:

filter {
  if [type] == "apache_error_log" {

    grok {
      patterns_dir => [ "/etc/logstash/patterns.d" ]
      match => [ "message", "%{APACHE_ERROR_LOG}" ]

    if !("_grokparsefailure" in [tags]) {

      mutate {
        remove_field => [ "message" ]
        add_field =>  ["timestamp_submitted", "%{@timestamp}"]

      date {
        # Try to pull the timestamp from the 'timestamp' field (parsed above with
        # grok). The apache time format looks like: "18/Aug/2011:05:44:34 -0700"
        #                        Sat Feb 08 06:31:09 2014
        match => [ "timestamp", "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy" ]
        remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]

      geoip {
        source => "clientip"

Note that I am using a type of apache_error_log instead of apache-error.

Give it s shot. I would love to know if this works for you and others!


like image 74
pedrohdz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
