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Parse a parcticular string using Boost Spirit Qi

I am new to Boost Spirit and is struggling to create a proper expression to parse the following input (actually a result of a stdout of some command):

^+ line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi      2   7   377     1   +1503us[+9103us] +/-   55ms

Which I need to parse into a set of strings and integers and recorded in variables. Most of the line should be just parsed into a variable of appropriate type (string or int). So in the end, I get:

string:  "^+", "line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi", "+1503us", "+9103us", "55ms"
int   :   2, 7, 377, 1 

The pair


can also be with space

+503us[ +103us] 

and I need stuff before square brackets and in square brackets to be placed in separate strings.

additionally, time designations can be expressed as

ns, ms, us, s

I appreciate examples about how to deal with it, because the available documentation is quite sparse and not cohesive.

Large piece of the log, along with headings describing the individual fields:

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^+ ns2.sdi.fi                    2   9   377   381  -1476us[-1688us] +/-   72ms
^+ line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi      2  10   377   309   +302us[ +302us] +/-   59ms
^* heh.fi                        2  10   377   319  -1171us[-1387us] +/-   50ms
^+ stara.mulimuli.fi             3  10   377   705  -1253us[-1446us] +/-   73ms
like image 986
onkami Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 19:12


1 Answers

As always I start with sketching a useful AST:

namespace AST {
    using clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;

    struct TimeSample {
        enum Direction { up, down } direction; // + or -
        clock::duration value;

    struct Record {
        std::string prefix; // "^+"
        std::string fqdn;   // "line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi"
        int a, b, c, d;     // 2, 7, 377, 1
        TimeSample primary, braced;
        clock::duration tolerance;

Now that we know what we want to parse, we mostly just mimick the AST with rules, for a bit:

using namespace qi;

start     = skip(blank) [record_];

record_   = prefix_ >> fqdn_ >> int_ >> int_ >> int_ >> int_ >> sample_ >> '[' >> sample_ >> ']' >> tolerance_;

prefix_   = string("^+"); // or whatever you need to match here
fqdn_     = +graph; // or whatever additional constraints you have
sample_   = direction_ >> duration_;
duration_ = (long_ >> units_) [ _val = _1 * _2 ];
tolerance_= "+/-" >> duration_;

Of course, the interesting bits are the units and the direction:

struct directions : qi::symbols<char, AST::TimeSample::Direction> {
    directions() { add("+", AST::TimeSample::up)("-", AST::TimeSample::down); }
} direction_;
struct units : qi::symbols<char, AST::clock::duration> {
    units() {
        using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
        add("s", 1s)("ms", 1ms)("us", 1us)("µs", 1us)("ns", 1ns);
} units_;

The white-space acceptance is governed by a skipper; I chose qi::blank_type for the non-lexeme rules:

using Skipper = qi::blank_type;
qi::rule<It, AST::Record()> start;
qi::rule<It, AST::Record(), Skipper> record_;
qi::rule<It, AST::TimeSample(), Skipper> sample_;
qi::rule<It, AST::clock::duration(), Skipper> duration_, tolerance_;
// lexemes:
qi::rule<It, std::string()> prefix_;
qi::rule<It, std::string()> fqdn_;


Putting it all together, use it:

int main() {
    std::istringstream iss(R"(^+ line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi      2   7   377     1   +1503us[+9103us] +/-   55ms

    std::string line;

    while (getline(iss, line)) {
        auto f = line.cbegin(), l = line.cend();
        AST::Record record;
        if (parse(f, l, parser<>{}, record))
            std::cout << "parsed: " << boost::fusion::as_vector(record) << "\n";
            std::cout << "parse error\n";

        if (f!=l)
            std::cout << "remaining unparsed input: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

Which prints: Live On Coliru

parsed: (^+ line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi 2 7 377 1 +0.001503s +0.009103s 0.055s)

(debug output below)

Full Code:

Live On Coliru

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>

namespace std { namespace chrono {
    // for debug
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, duration<double> d) { return os << d.count() << "s"; }
} }

namespace AST {
    using clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;

    struct TimeSample {
        enum Direction { up, down } direction; // + or -
        clock::duration value;

        // for debug:
        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Direction d) {
            char const* signs[] = {"+","-"};
            return os << signs[d];
        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TimeSample const& sample) {
            return os << sample.direction << std::chrono::duration<double>(sample.value).count() << "s";

    struct Record {
        std::string prefix; // "^+"
        std::string fqdn;   // "line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi"
        int a, b, c, d;     // 2, 7, 377, 1
        TimeSample primary, braced;
        clock::duration tolerance;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(AST::Record, prefix, fqdn, a, b, c, d, primary, braced, tolerance)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(AST::TimeSample, direction, value)

namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

template <typename It = std::string::const_iterator>
struct parser : qi::grammar<It, AST::Record()> {
    parser() : parser::base_type(start) {
        using namespace qi;

        start     = skip(blank) [record_];

        record_   = prefix_ >> fqdn_ >> int_ >> int_ >> int_ >> int_ >> sample_ >> '[' >> sample_ >> ']' >> tolerance_;

        prefix_   = string("^+"); // or whatever you need to match here
        fqdn_     = +graph; // or whatever additional constraints you have
        sample_   = direction_ >> duration_;
        duration_ = (long_ >> units_) [ _val = _1 * _2 ];
        tolerance_= "+/-" >> duration_;

    struct directions : qi::symbols<char, AST::TimeSample::Direction> {
        directions() { add("+", AST::TimeSample::up)("-", AST::TimeSample::down); }
    } direction_;
    struct units : qi::symbols<char, AST::clock::duration> {
        units() {
            using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
            add("s", 1s)("ms", 1ms)("us", 1us)("µs", 1us)("ns", 1ns);
    } units_;

    using Skipper = qi::blank_type;
    qi::rule<It, AST::Record()> start;
    qi::rule<It, AST::Record(), Skipper> record_;
    qi::rule<It, AST::TimeSample(), Skipper> sample_;
    qi::rule<It, AST::clock::duration(), Skipper> duration_, tolerance_;
    // lexemes:
    qi::rule<It, std::string()> prefix_;
    qi::rule<It, std::string()> fqdn_;

int main() {
    std::istringstream iss(R"(^+ line-17532.dyn.kponet.fi      2   7   377     1   +1503us[+9103us] +/-   55ms

    std::string line;

    while (getline(iss, line)) {
        auto f = line.cbegin(), l = line.cend();
        AST::Record record;
        if (parse(f, l, parser<>{}, record))
            std::cout << "parsed: " << boost::fusion::as_vector(record) << "\n";
            std::cout << "parse error\n";

        if (f!=l)
            std::cout << "remaining unparsed input: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

Debug Output

  <try>^+ line-17532.dyn.kp</try>
    <try>^+ line-17532.dyn.kp</try>
      <try>^+ line-17532.dyn.kp</try>
      <success> line-17532.dyn.kpon</success>
      <attributes>[[^, +]]</attributes>
      <success>      2   7   377   </success>
      <attributes>[[l, i, n, e, -, 1, 7, 5, 3, 2, ., d, y, n, ., k, p, o, n, e, t, ., f, i]]</attributes>
      <try>   +1503us[+9103us] </try>
        <try>1503us[+9103us] +/- </try>
        <success>[+9103us] +/-   55ms</success>
      <success>[+9103us] +/-   55ms</success>
      <attributes>[[+, 0.001503s]]</attributes>
      <try>+9103us] +/-   55ms</try>
        <try>9103us] +/-   55ms</try>
        <success>] +/-   55ms</success>
      <success>] +/-   55ms</success>
      <attributes>[[+, 0.009103s]]</attributes>
      <try> +/-   55ms</try>
        <try>   55ms</try>
    <attributes>[[[^, +], [l, i, n, e, -, 1, 7, 5, 3, 2, ., d, y, n, ., k, p, o, n, e, t, ., f, i], 2, 7, 377, 1, [+, 0.001503s], [+, 0.009103s], 0.055s]]</attributes>
  <attributes>[[[^, +], [l, i, n, e, -, 1, 7, 5, 3, 2, ., d, y, n, ., k, p, o, n, e, t, ., f, i], 2, 7, 377, 1, [+, 0.001503s], [+, 0.009103s], 0.055s]]</attributes>
like image 166
sehe Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 02:12
