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Parameterizing Spring @Scheduled with default value

I need to parameterize a @Scheduled method with value from my properties file if present, or default value if not.

We can parameterize from configuration file property in the following way:

@Scheduled(cron = "${my.task.cron-exec-expr}")
public void scheduledTask() {
    // do something

but if the property does not exist we'll have a runtime exception.

I've tried using a @ConfigurationProperties bean with default value, with no success:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my.task")
public class MyTaskProperties {

    private String cronExecExpr = "*/5 * * * * *";

    // getter and setter

How to avoid that and pass a default value?

like image 537
s1moner3d Avatar asked Aug 31 '16 11:08


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1 Answers

You can add the default value in the placeholder like this:

@Scheduled(cron = "${my.task.cron-exec-expr:*/5 * * * * *}")
like image 56
JEY Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09