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Parameter Store request timing out inside of AWS Lambda

I'm attempting to access the AWS SSM Parameter store, like this article does. I have tested the lambda function locally and it works as expected. When pushed to AWS, however, the lambda fails when attempting to retreive the config; it times out:

    "errorMessage": "2018-09-02T04:55:49.096Z 71a5006a-ae6c-11e8-9322-313ba5e28048 Task timed out after 6.01 seconds"

I have the following permissions added to my serverless.yml. I have made it as unrestricted as possible to try to find where the error is. Additionally, the parameter is just a string, so it does not use KMS.

service: pwaer-messages-service

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs8.10
      - sg-222f126f
      - subnet-756aef12
      - subnet-130f8f3d
    NODE_ENV: ${opt:stage, 'dev'}

    - Effect: 'Allow'
      Action: 'ssm:**'
        - 'Fn::Join':
          - ':'
            - 'arn:aws:ssm'
            - Ref: 'AWS::Region'
            - Ref: 'AWS::AccountId'
            - 'parameter/*'

    handler: dist/receive.handler
      - http:
          path: sms/parse
          method: post

What am I missing?

like image 983
Ulad Kasach Avatar asked Sep 02 '18 04:09

Ulad Kasach

People also ask

Why does my Lambda keep timing out?

There are three reasons why retry and timeout issues occur when invoking a Lambda function with an AWS SDK: A remote API is unreachable or takes too long to respond to an API call. The API call doesn't get a response within the socket timeout.

Can Lambda access parameter store?

At this point the lambda function's role has been extended with a policy that grants access to some Parameter Store actions on a specific parameter. If your Lambda function needs to access multiple SSM parameters, pass multiple ARN values to the Resource element of the policy, or set the Resource to * .

1 Answers

Since mentioned Lambda doesn't have access to the public internet, to access AWS APIs please setup a VPC endpoint.

As per the description - "VPC endpoint enables you to privately connect your VPC to supported AWS services and VPC endpoint services".

For AWS Systems Manager follow this procedure - Setting Up VPC Endpoints for Systems Manager

like image 96
Lech Migdal Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10

Lech Migdal