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Parameter does not have a match; SimpleXML

I am using retrofit with the SimpleXMLConverterFactory.

And I always get an

ConstructorException: Parameter 'success' does not have a match in class ResponseInfo

And I have no idea what could be wrong. The xml is very simple and i only want the string from the success node.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


@Root(strict = false, name = "response")
data class ResponseInfo(@Element(required = false, name = "success) var success: String)

Edit 1: I tested the Api call and it returns the given xml.


like image 736
lampenlampen Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 17:08


2 Answers

So finally, I managed to solve the problem myself.

The problem was the ResponseInfo class. After I changed it to

@Root(strict = false, name="response")
data class ResponseInfo @JvmOverloads constructor(
  @field:element(name = "success") var success: String = ""

all worked fine.

You need to have an empty constructor, all properties must be mutable (var) and you have to append field: in front of the @Element-Annotation. @JvmOverloads combined with default values will create the empty constructor for you as well as all other constructor variations.

like image 126
lampenlampen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


If you want to avoid having a deafult constructor, you would have to use both field and param use-site targets. It would look something like this:

@Root(strict = false, name = "response")
data class ResponseInfo(
    @field:Element(name = "success") @param:Element(name = "success") var success: String

As stated in this comment it seems like there isn't any way of combining the two use-site targets.

like image 21
Anigif Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
