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Parallelize code in nested loops

You always hear that functional code is inherently easier to parallelize than non-functional code, so I decided to write a function which does the following:

Given a input of strings, total up the number of unique characters for each string. So, given the input [ "aaaaa"; "bbb"; "ccccccc"; "abbbc" ], our method will returns a: 6; b: 6; c: 8.

Here's what I've written:

(* seq<#seq<char>> -> Map<char,int> *)
let wordFrequency input =
    |> Seq.fold (fun acc text ->
        (* This inner loop can be processed on its own thread *)
        |> Seq.choose (fun char -> if Char.IsLetter char then Some(char) else None)
        |> Seq.fold (fun (acc : Map<_,_>) item ->
            match acc.TryFind(item) with
            | Some(count) -> acc.Add(item, count + 1)
            | None -> acc.Add(item, 1))
        ) Map.empty

This code is ideally parallelizable, because each string in input can be processed on its own thread. Its not as straightforward as it looks since the innerloop adds items to a Map shared between all of the inputs.

I'd like the inner loop factored out into its own thread, and I don't want to use any mutable state. How would I re-write this function using an Async workflow?

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Juliet Avatar asked Jan 05 '09 03:01


1 Answers

You can write that like this:

let wordFrequency =
  Seq.concat >> Seq.filter System.Char.IsLetter >> Seq.countBy id >> Map.ofSeq

and parallelize it with only two extra characters to use the PSeq module from the FSharp.PowerPack.Parallel.Seq DLL instead of the ordinary Seq module:

let wordFrequency =
  Seq.concat >> PSeq.filter System.Char.IsLetter >> PSeq.countBy id >> Map.ofSeq

For example, the time taken to compute frequencies from the 5.5Mb King James bible falls from 4.75s to 0.66s. That is a 7.2× speedup on this 8-core machine.

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J D Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11