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Parallel.ForEach vs Async Forloop in Heavy I/O Ops

I want to compare two theoretical scenarios. I have simplified the cases for purpose of the question. But basically its your typical producer consumer scenario. (I'm focusing on the consumer).

I have a large Queue<string> dataQueue that I have to transmit to multiple clients.

So lets start with the simpler case:

 class SequentialBlockingCase
    public static Queue<string> DataQueue = new Queue<string>();
    private static List<string> _destinations = new List<string>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Is the main function that is run in its own thread
    /// </summary>
    private static void Run()
        while (true)
            if (DataQueue.Count > 0)
                string data = DataQueue.Dequeue();
                foreach (var destination in _destinations)
                    SendDataToDestination(destination, data);

    private static void SendDataToDestination(string destination, string data)
        //TODO: Send data using http post, instead simulate the send

Now this setup works just fine. It sits there and polls the Queue and when there is data to send it sends it to all the destinations.


  • If one of the destinations is unavailable or slow, it effects all of the other destinations.
  • It does not make use of multi threading in the case of parallel execution.
  • Blocks for every transmission to each destination.

So here is my second attempt:

 class ParalleBlockingCase
    public static Queue<string> DataQueue = new Queue<string>();
    private static List<string> _destinations = new List<string>();

    /// <summary>
    /// Is the main function that is run in its own thread
    /// </summary>
    private static void Run()
        while (true)
            if (DataQueue.Count > 0)
                string data = DataQueue.Dequeue();
                Parallel.ForEach(_destinations, destination =>
                    SendDataToDestination(destination, data);

    private static void SendDataToDestination(string destination, string data)
        //TODO: Send data using http post

This revision at least does not effect the other destinations if 1 destination is slow or unavailable.

However this method is still blocking and I am not sure if Parallel.ForEach makes use of the thread pool. My understanding is that it will create X number of threads / tasks and execute 4 (4 core cpu) at a time. But it has to completely Finnish task 1 before task 5 can start.

Hence My 3rd option:

class ParalleAsyncCase
    public static Queue<string> DataQueue = new Queue<string>();
    private static List<string> _destinations = new List<string> { };

    /// <summary>
    /// Is the main function that is run in its own thread
    /// </summary>
    private static void Run()
        while (true)
            if (DataQueue.Count > 0)
                string data = DataQueue.Dequeue();
                List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
                foreach (var destination in _destinations)
                    var task = SendDataToDestination(destination, data);

                //Wait for all tasks to complete

    private static async Task SendDataToDestination(string destination, string data)
        //TODO: Send data using http post
        await Task.Delay(200);

Now from my understanding this option, will still block on the main thread at Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); which is fine because I don't want it to run away with creating tasks faster than they can be executed.

But the tasks that will be execute in parallel should make use of the ThreadPool, and all X number of tasks should start executing at once, not blocking or in sequential order. (thread pool will swap between them as they become active or are awaiting)

Now my question.

Does option 3 have any performance benefit over option 2.

Specifically in a higher performance server side scenario. In the specific software I am working on now. There would be multiple instanced of my simple use case above. Ie several consumers.

I'm interested in the theoretical differences and pro's vs cons of the two solutions, and maybe even a better 4th option if there is one.

like image 830
Zapnologica Avatar asked Aug 22 '16 09:08


People also ask

Does parallel ForEach improve performance?

In many cases, Parallel. For and Parallel. ForEach can provide significant performance improvements over ordinary sequential loops. However, the work of parallelizing the loop introduces complexity that can lead to problems that, in sequential code, are not as common or are not encountered at all.

Is parallel ForEach faster than ForEach?

The execution of Parallel. Foreach is faster than normal ForEach.

Should you use parallel ForEach?

The short answer is no, you should not just use Parallel. ForEach or related constructs on each loop that you can. Parallel has some overhead, which is not justified in loops with few, fast iterations. Also, break is significantly more complex inside these loops.

Can we use async in parallel ForEach?

The Parallel. ForEach does not understand async delegates, so the lambda is async void .

2 Answers

Parallel.ForEach will use the thread pool. Asynchronous code will not, since it doesn't need any threads at all (link is to my blog).

As Mrinal pointed out, if you have CPU-bound code, parallelism is appropriate; if you have I/O-bound code, asynchrony is appropriate. In this case, an HTTP POST is clearly I/O, so the ideal consuming code would be asynchronous.

maybe even a better 4th option if there is one.

I would recommend making your consumer fully asynchronous. In order to do so, you'll need to use an async-compatible producer/consumer queue. There's a fairly advanced one (BufferBlock<T>) in the TPL Dataflow library, and a fairly simple one (AsyncProducerConsumerQueue<T>) in my AsyncEx library.

With either of them, you can create a fully asynchronous consumer:

List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var destination in _destinations)
  var task = SendDataToDestination(destination, data);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

or, more simplified:

var tasks = _destinations
    .Select(destination => SendDataToDestination(destination, data));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
like image 79
Stephen Cleary Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Stephen Cleary

Your main question - Parallel.ForEach vs Async Forloop

  • For computing operations, in memory processing always Parallel API as Thread invoked from thread pool is utilized to do some work, which is its purpose of Invocation.
  • For IO bound operations, always Async-Await, as there's no thread invoked and it use the Hardware capability IO completion ports to process in the background.

Since Async-Await is the preferred option, let me point out few things in your implementation:

  • It is Synchronous since you are not awaiting the main operation Send data using http post, the correct code would be await Http Post Async not await Task.Delay
  • If you are calling the standard Async implementation like Http post Async, you needn't explicitly start the Task, that is only the case if you have custom Async method
  • Task.WaitAll will only work for Console application, which doesn't have the Synchronization context or UI thread, otherwise it will lead to dead lock, you need to use Task.WhenAll

Now regarding Parallel approach

  • Though the code is correct and Parallel API indeed work on Thread pool, and mostly it is able to reuse the threads, thus optimizing, but if the tasks are long running, it may end up creating multiple threads, to restrict that you may use the constructor option new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount }, thus restricting the max number to the number of logical cores in the system

Another important point why Parallel API is a bad idea for the IO bound calls, since each thread is a costly resource for UI, includes creation of Thread environment block + User memory + Kernel Memory and in IO operation it sits idle doing nothing, which is not good by any measure

like image 4
Mrinal Kamboj Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Mrinal Kamboj