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Paperclip image url

Stupid question?

<img alt="Phone_large" src="/system/photos/1/small/phone_large.jpg?1238845838" /> 

Why is "?1238845838" added to the image path?

How can I get my path/url without it?

like image 626
Arwed Avatar asked Sep 14 '10 16:09


1 Answers

It's commonly referred to as a "cache buster". Paperclip automatically appends the timestamp for the last time the file was updated.

Say you were to remove the cache buster and use /system/photos/1/small/phone_large.jpg instead. The URL wouldn't change when you changed the image and your visitors would see the old image for as long as they had it cached.

If you want to remove it just call .url(:default, timestamp: false). Of course you can change :default to any other style you've defined.

Or if you want to globally default them to off, just put this in a config/initializers/paperclip.rb file.

Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:use_timestamp] = false 
like image 148
aNoble Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
