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Pandas: sum up multiple columns into one column without last column





If I have a dataframe similar to this one

Apples   Bananas   Grapes   Kiwis
2        3         nan      1
1        3         7        nan
nan      nan       2        3

I would like to add a column like this

Apples   Bananas   Grapes   Kiwis   Fruit Total
2        3         nan      1        6
1        3         7        nan      11
nan      nan       2        3        5

I guess you could use df['Apples'] + df['Bananas'] and so on, but my actual dataframe is much larger than this. I was hoping a formula like df['Fruit Total']=df[-4:-1].sum could do the trick in one line of code. That didn't work however. Is there any way to do it without explicitly summing up all columns?

like image 660
Tuutsrednas Avatar asked Feb 06 '17 08:02


People also ask

How do I combine multiple columns into one column in pandas?

You can use DataFrame. apply() for concatenate multiple column values into a single column, with slightly less typing and more scalable when you want to join multiple columns .

How do I get all columns except last one?

To select all columns except one column in Pandas DataFrame, we can use df. loc[:, df. columns != <column name>].

How do I sum multiple columns in pandas DataFrame?

Sum all columns in a Pandas DataFrame into new column If we want to summarize all the columns, then we can simply use the DataFrame sum() method.

How do you aggregate multiple columns in Python?

To apply aggregations to multiple columns, just add additional key:value pairs to the dictionary. Applying multiple aggregation functions to a single column will result in a multiindex. Working with multi-indexed columns is a pain and I'd recommend flattening this after aggregating by renaming the new columns.

3 Answers

You can first select by iloc and then sum:

df['Fruit Total']= df.iloc[:, -4:-1].sum(axis=1)
print (df)
   Apples  Bananas  Grapes  Kiwis  Fruit Total
0     2.0      3.0     NaN    1.0          5.0
1     1.0      3.0     7.0    NaN         11.0
2     NaN      NaN     2.0    3.0          2.0

For sum all columns use:

df['Fruit Total']= df.sum(axis=1)
like image 173
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10


This may be helpful for beginners, so for the sake of completeness, if you know the column names (e.g. they are in a list), you can use:

column_names = ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Grapes', 'Kiwis']
df['Fruit Total']= df[column_names].sum(axis=1)

This gives you flexibility about which columns you use as you simply have to manipulate the list column_names and you can do things like pick only columns with the letter 'a' in their name. Another benefit of this is that it's easier for humans to understand what they are doing through column names. Combine this with list(df.columns) to get the column names in a list format. Thus, if you want to drop the last column, all you have to do is:

column_names = list(df.columns)
df['Fruit Total']= df[column_names[:-1]].sum(axis=1)
like image 36
kelkka Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


It is possible to do it without knowing the number of columns and even without iloc:

   Apples  Bananas  Grapes  Kiwis
0     2.0      3.0     NaN    1.0
1     1.0      3.0     7.0    NaN
2     NaN      NaN     2.0    3.0

cols_to_sum = df.columns[ : df.shape[1]-1]

df['Fruit Total'] = df[cols_to_sum].sum(axis=1)

   Apples   Bananas Grapes  Kiwis   Fruit Total
0  2.0      3.0     NaN     1.0     5.0
1  1.0      3.0     7.0     NaN     11.0
2  NaN      NaN     2.0     3.0     5.0
like image 18
Ramon Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
