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Pandas seems to ignore first column name when reading tab-delimited data, gives KeyError

I am using pandas 0.12.0 in ipython3 on Ubuntu 13.10, in order to wrangle large tab-delimited datasets in txt files. Using read_table to create a DataFrame from the txt appears to work, and the first row is read as a header, but attempting to access the first column using its name as an index throws a KeyError. I don't understand why this happens, given that the column names all appear to have been read correctly, and every other column can be indexed in this way.

The data looks like this:

73_1    .   .   395.1   302 .   .
73_1    .   .   395 301.9   .   .
73_1    .   .   394.9   301.7   .   .
73_1    .   .   394.8   301.5   .   .
73_1    .   .   394.6   301.3   .   .
73_1    .   .   394.7   300.9   .   .
73_1    .   .   394.9   301.3   .   .
73_1    .   .   395.2   302 1   1_1_just_act.avi
73_1    .   .   395.3   302.3   1   1_1_just_act.avi
73_1    .   .   395.4   301.9   1   1_1_just_act.avi
73_1    .   .   395.7   301.5   1   1_1_just_act.avi
73_1    .   .   395.9   301.5   1   1_1_just_act.avi
73_1    .   .   396 301.5   1   1_1_just_act.avi
73_1    .   .   395.9   301.5   1   1_1_just_act.avi
15_1    395.4   301.7   .   .   .   .

The delimiter is definitely tabs, and there is no trailing or leading whitespace.

The error occurs with this minimal program:

import pandas as pd

samples = pd.read_table('~/datafile.txt')


which gives the error:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-65-137d3c16b931> in <module>()
----> 1 print(samples['RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL'])

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in __getitem__(self, key)
   2001             # get column
   2002             if self.columns.is_unique:
-> 2003                 return self._get_item_cache(key)
   2005             # duplicate columns

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/generic.py in _get_item_cache(self, item)
    665             return cache[item]
    666         except Exception:
--> 667             values = self._data.get(item)
    668             res = self._box_item_values(item, values)
    669             cache[item] = res

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals.py in get(self, item)
   1654     def get(self, item):
   1655         if self.items.is_unique:
-> 1656             _, block = self._find_block(item)
   1657             return block.get(item)
   1658         else:

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals.py in _find_block(self, item)
   1935     def _find_block(self, item):
-> 1936         self._check_have(item)
   1937         for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
   1938             if item in block:

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals.py in _check_have(self, item)
   1941     def _check_have(self, item):
   1942         if item not in self.items:
-> 1943             raise KeyError('no item named %s' % com.pprint_thing(item))
   1945     def reindex_axis(self, new_axis, method=None, axis=0, copy=True):

KeyError: 'no item named RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL'

Simply doing print(samples) gives the expected output of printing the whole table, complete with the first column and its header. Trying to print any other column (ie; the exact same code, but with 'RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL' replaced with 'LEFT_GAZE_X') works as it should. Furthermore, the header seems to have been read in correctly, and pandas recognizes 'RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL' as a column name. This is evidenced by using the .info() method and viewing the .columns attribute of samples, after it's been read in:


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 28 entries, 0 to 27
Data columns (total 7 columns):
RECORDING_SESSION_LABEL    28  non-null values
LEFT_GAZE_X                 28  non-null values
LEFT_GAZE_Y                 28  non-null values
RIGHT_GAZE_X                28  non-null values
RIGHT_GAZE_Y                28  non-null values
VIDEO_FRAME_INDEX           28  non-null values
VIDEO_NAME                  28  non-null values
dtypes: object(7)



Another error behaviour that I feel is related occurs when using ipython's tab completion, which allows me to access the columns of samples as if they were attributes. It works for every column except the first. ie; hitting the tab key with >samples.R only suggests samples.RIGHT_GAZE_X samples.RIGHT_GAZE_Y.

So why is it behaving normally when looking at the whole dataframe, but failing when trying to access the first column by its name, even though it appears to have correctly read in that name?

like image 820
RobTeszka Avatar asked Feb 16 '14 02:02


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1 Answers

This seems to be (related to) a known issue, see GH #4793. Using 'utf-8-sig' as the encoding seems to work. Without it, we have:

>>> df = pd.read_table("datafile.txt")
>>> df.columns
>>> df.columns[0]

but with it, we have

>>> df = pd.read_table("datafile.txt", encoding="utf-8-sig")
>>> df.columns
>>> df.columns[0]

(Used Python 2 for the above, but the same happens with Python 3.)

like image 89
DSM Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10