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Pandas merge on variable columns




I have a table of sites with a land cover class and a state. I have another table with values linked to class and state. In the second table, however, some of the rows are linked only to class:

sites = pd.DataFrame({'id': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
                      'class': [1, 2, 23],
                      'state': ['al', 'ar', 'wy']})

values = pd.DataFrame({'class': [1, 1, 2, 2, 23],
                       'state': ['al', 'ar', 'al', 'ar', None],
                       'val': [10, 11, 12, 13, 16]})

I'd like to link the tables by class and state, except for those rows in the value table for which state is None, in which case they would be linked only by class.

A merge has the following result:

combined = sites.merge(values, how='left', on=['class', 'state'])

  id  class state   val
0  a      1    al  10.0
1  b      2    ar  13.0
2  c     23    wy   NaN

But I'd like val in the last row to be 16. Is there an inexpensive way to do this short of breaking up both tables, performing separate merges, and then concatenating the result?

like image 669
triphook Avatar asked Dec 18 '19 15:12


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Dataframes in Pandas can be merged using pandas. merge() method. Returns : A DataFrame of the two merged objects. While working on datasets there may be a need to merge two data frames with some complex conditions, below are some examples of merging two data frames with some complex conditions.

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If you want to join on columns like you would with merge(), then you’ll need to set the columns as indices. Like merge(), .join() has a few parameters that give you more flexibility in your joins. However, with .join(), the list of parameters is relatively short: other: This is the only required parameter. It defines the other DataFrame to join.

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2 Answers

How about merge them separately:

pd.concat([sites.merge(values, on=['class','state']),


  id  class state  val
0  a      1    al   10
1  b      2    ar   13
0  c     23    wy   16
like image 140
Quang Hoang Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10

Quang Hoang

We can use combine_first here:


   class state id   val
0      1    al  a  10.0
1      2    ar  b  13.0
2     23    wy  c  16.0
like image 38
anky Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10
