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Pandas: Looking up the list of sheets in an excel file

The new version of Pandas uses the following interface to load Excel files:

read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

but what if I don't know the sheets that are available?

For example, I am working with excel files that the following sheets

Data 1, Data 2 ..., Data N, foo, bar

but I don't know N a priori.

Is there any way to get the list of sheets from an excel document in Pandas?

like image 947
Amelio Vazquez-Reina Avatar asked Oct 09 '22 15:10

Amelio Vazquez-Reina

People also ask

How do I view all sheets in excel pandas?

sheet_name param on pandas. read_excel() is used to read multiple sheets from excel. This supports reading excel sheets by name or position. When you read multiple sheets, it creates a Dict of DataFrame, each key in Dictionary is represented as Sheet name and DF for Dict value.

2 Answers

You can still use the ExcelFile class (and the sheet_names attribute):

xl = pd.ExcelFile('foo.xls')

xl.sheet_names  # see all sheet names

xl.parse(sheet_name)  # read a specific sheet to DataFrame

see docs for parse for more options...

like image 428
Andy Hayden Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Andy Hayden

You should explicitly specify the second parameter (sheetname) as None. like this:

 df = pandas.read_excel("/yourPath/FileName.xlsx", None);

"df" are all sheets as a dictionary of DataFrames, you can verify it by run this:


result like this:

[u'201610', u'201601', u'201701', u'201702', u'201703', u'201704', u'201705', u'201706', u'201612', u'fund', u'201603', u'201602', u'201605', u'201607', u'201606', u'201608', u'201512', u'201611', u'201604']

please refer pandas doc for more details: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.read_excel.html

like image 72
Nicholas Lu Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10

Nicholas Lu