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Pandas: join with outer product




I want to multiply a lookup table (demand), given for multiple commodities (here: Water, Elec) and area types (Com, Ind, Res) with a DataFrame (areas) that is a table of areas for these area types.

import pandas as pd
areas = pd.DataFrame({'Com':[1,2,3], 'Ind':[4,5,6]})
demand = pd.DataFrame({'Water':[4,3], 
                       'Elec':[8,9]}, index=['Com', 'Ind'])


   Com  Ind
0    1    4
1    2    5
2    3    6

     Elec  Water
Com     8      4
Ind     9      3


     Com          Ind         
     Elec  Water  Elec  Water 
0       8      4    36     12 
1      16      8    45     15 
2      24     12    54     18 

My attempt

Verbose and incomplete; does not work for arbitrary number of commodities.

areas = pd.DataFrame({'area': areas.stack()})
areas.index.names = ['Edge', 'Type']
both = areas.reset_index(1).join(demand, on='Type')
both['Elec'] = both['Elec'] * both['area']
both['Water'] = both['Water'] * both['area']
del both['area']
# almost there; it must be late, I fail to make 'Type' a hierarchical column...

Almost there:

     Type  Elec  Water
0     Com     8      4
0     Ind    36     12
1     Com    16      8
1     Ind    45     15
2     Com    24     12
2     Ind    54     18

In short

How to join/multiply the DataFrames areas and demand together in a decent way?

like image 578
ojdo Avatar asked Sep 02 '13 18:09


1 Answers

import pandas as pd
areas = pd.DataFrame({'Com':[1,2,3], 'Ind':[4,5,6]})
demand = pd.DataFrame({'Water':[4,3], 
                       'Elec':[8,9]}, index=['Com', 'Ind'])

def multiply_by_demand(series):
    return demand.ix[series.name].apply(lambda x: x*series).stack()
df = areas.apply(multiply_by_demand).unstack(0)


    Com          Ind       
   Elec  Water  Elec  Water
0     8      4    36     12
1    16      8    45     15
2    24     12    54     18

How this works:

First, look at what happens when we call areas.apply(foo). foo gets passed the columns of areas one-by-one:

def foo(series):

In [226]: areas.apply(foo)
0    1
1    2
2    3
Name: Com, dtype: int64
0    4
1    5
2    6
Name: Ind, dtype: int64

So suppose series is one such column:

In [230]: series = areas['Com']

In [231]: series
0    1
1    2
2    3
Name: Com, dtype: int64

We can muliply demand by this series this way:

In [229]: demand.ix['Com'].apply(lambda x: x*series)
       0   1   2
Elec   8  16  24
Water  4   8  12

This has half the numbers we want, but not in the form we want them. Now apply needs to return a Series, not a DataFrame. One way to turn a DataFrame into a Series is to use stack. Look at what happens if we stack this DataFrame. The columns become a new level of the index:

In [232]: demand.ix['Com'].apply(lambda x: x*areas['Com']).stack()
Elec   0     8
       1    16
       2    24
Water  0     4
       1     8
       2    12
dtype: int64

So, using this as the return value of multiply_by_demand, we get:

In [235]: areas.apply(multiply_by_demand)
         Com  Ind
Elec  0    8   36
      1   16   45
      2   24   54
Water 0    4   12
      1    8   15
      2   12   18

Now we want the first level of the index to become columns. This can be done with unstack:

In [236]: areas.apply(multiply_by_demand).unstack(0)
    Com          Ind       
   Elec  Water  Elec  Water
0     8      4    36     12
1    16      8    45     15
2    24     12    54     18

Per the request in the comments, here is the pivot_table solution:

import pandas as pd
areas = pd.DataFrame({'Com':[1,2,3], 'Ind':[4,5,6]})
demand = pd.DataFrame({'Water':[4,3], 
                       'Elec':[8,9]}, index=['Com', 'Ind'])

areas = pd.DataFrame({'area': areas.stack()})
areas.index.names = ['Edge', 'Type']
both = areas.reset_index(1).join(demand, on='Type')
both['Elec'] = both['Elec'] * both['area']
both['Water'] = both['Water'] * both['area']
both = both.pivot_table(values=['Elec', 'Water'], rows='Edge', cols='Type')
both = both.reorder_levels([1,0], axis=1)
both = both.reindex(columns=both.columns[[0,2,1,3]])
like image 119
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
