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Pandas: How to access the value of the index




I have a dataframe and would like to use the values in the index to create another column.
For instance:

df=pd.DataFrame({'idx1':range(0,5), 'idx2':range(10000,10005), 'value':np.random.randn(5)})
df.set_index(keys=['idx1','idx2'], inplace=True)
print df

idx1 idx2           
0    10000 -1.470367
1    10001  0.260693
2    10002 -0.732319
3    10003 -0.116977
4    10004  1.106644

I'd like to do something like this:

df['idx1_mod']= df['idx1'] + 100

(Actually, I want to do more complicated things, but basically I need the value of the index.)

Right now I'm resorting to reseting the index (to get the index fields as columns), doing my calcs with access to the columns, and then re-creating the index. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I've looked a ton and keep missing it!

Note - I also tried df.iterrows(), but it seems that gives a copy of the row and doesn't let me update the original dataframe.

like image 723
Ross R Avatar asked Nov 14 '13 23:11

Ross R

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1 Answers

df["idx1_mod"] = df.index.get_level_values(0).values + 100
like image 155
HYRY Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 12:10