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Pandas - filling NaNs in Categorical data




I am trying to fill missing values (NAN) using the below code


but I am getting the following error

ValueError: fill value must be in categories.

Would anybody please throw some light on this error.

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deega Avatar asked Sep 22 '15 13:09


People also ask

How do you fill NaN values for categorical data?

Method 1: Filling with most occurring class One approach to fill these missing values can be to replace them with the most common or occurring class. We can do this by taking the index of the most common class which can be determined by using value_counts() method.

How do you impute missing values for categorical variables?

Imputation Method 1: Most Common Class One approach to imputing categorical features is to replace missing values with the most common class. You can do with by taking the index of the most common feature given in Pandas' value_counts function.

How do you replace NaN with most common value?

You can use df = df. fillna(df['Label']. value_counts(). index[0]) to fill NaNs with the most frequent value from one column.

5 Answers

Your question is missing the important point what g is, especially that it has dtype categorical. I assume it is something like this:

g = pd.Series(["A", "B", "C", np.nan], dtype="category")

The problem you are experiencing is that fillna requires a value that already exists as a category. For instance, g.fillna("A") would work, but g.fillna("D") fails. To fill the series with a new value you can do:

g_without_nan = g.cat.add_categories("D").fillna("D")
like image 96
bluenote10 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


Add the category before you fill:

g = g.cat.add_categories([1])
like image 42
G. Cheng Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

G. Cheng

Once you create Categorical Data, you can insert only values in category.

>>> df
    ID  value
0    0     20
1    1     43
2    2     45

>>> df["cat"] = df["value"].astype("category")
>>> df
    ID  value    cat
0    0     20     20
1    1     43     43
2    2     45     45

>>> df.loc[1, "cat"] = np.nan
>>> df
    ID  value    cat
0    0     20     20
1    1     43    NaN
2    2     45     45

>>> df.fillna(1)
ValueError: fill value must be in categories
>>> df.fillna(43)
    ID  value    cat
0    0     20     20
1    1     43     43
2    2     45     45
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pacholik Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10


As many have said before, this error comes from the fact that that feature's type is 'category'.
I suggest converting it to string first, use fillna and finally convert it back to category if needed.

g = g.astype('string')
g = g.astype('category')
like image 3
Yves Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10


Sometimes you may want to replace the NaN with values present in your dataset, you can use that then:

#creates a random permuation of the categorical values
permutation = np.random.permutation(df[field])

#erase the empty values
empty_is = np.where(permutation == "")
permutation = np.delete(permutation, empty_is)

#replace all empty values of the dataframe[field]
end = len(permutation)
df[field] = df[field].apply(lambda x: permutation[np.random.randint(end)] if pd.isnull(x) else x)

It works quite efficiently.

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Victor Zuanazzi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Victor Zuanazzi