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Pandas equivalent rbind operation




Basically, I am looping through a bunch of CSV files and in the end would like to append each dataframe into one. Actually, all I need is an rbind type function. So, I did some search and followed the guide. However, I still could not get the ideal solution.

A sample code is attached below. For instance shape of data1 is always 47 by 42. But shape of data_out_final becomes (47, 42), (47, 84), and (47, 126) after the first three files. Idealy, it should be (141, 42). In addition, I check index of data1, which is RangeIndex(start=0, stop=47, step=1). Appreciate any suggestions!

My pandas version is 0.18.1


appended_data = []
for csv_each in csv_pool:
    data1 = pd.read_csv(csv_each, header=0)
    # do something here
data_out_final = pd.concat(appended_data, axis=1)

If using data_out_final = pd.concat(appended_data, axis=1), shape of data_out_final becomes (141, 94)


kind of figure it out. Actually, you have to standardize column names before pd.concat.

like image 411
TTT Avatar asked Aug 08 '16 20:08


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2 Answers

>>> df1
          a         b
0 -1.417866 -0.828749
1  0.212349  0.791048
2 -0.451170  0.628584
3  0.612671 -0.995330
4  0.078460 -0.322976
5  1.244803  1.576373
6  1.169629 -1.135926
7 -0.652443  0.506388
8  0.549604 -0.691054
9 -0.512829 -0.959398

>>> df2
          a         b
0 -0.652161  0.940932
1  2.495067  0.004833
2 -2.187792  1.692402
3  1.900738  0.372425
4  0.245976  1.894527
5  0.627297  0.029331
6 -0.828628 -1.600014
7 -0.991835 -0.061202
8  0.543389  0.703457
9 -0.755059  1.239968

>>> pd.concat([df1, df2])
          a         b
0 -1.417866 -0.828749
1  0.212349  0.791048
2 -0.451170  0.628584
3  0.612671 -0.995330
4  0.078460 -0.322976
5  1.244803  1.576373
6  1.169629 -1.135926
7 -0.652443  0.506388
8  0.549604 -0.691054
9 -0.512829 -0.959398
0 -0.652161  0.940932
1  2.495067  0.004833
2 -2.187792  1.692402
3  1.900738  0.372425
4  0.245976  1.894527
5  0.627297  0.029331
6 -0.828628 -1.600014
7 -0.991835 -0.061202
8  0.543389  0.703457
9 -0.755059  1.239968

Unless I'm misinterpreting what you need, this is what you need.

like image 160
Asish M. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Asish M.

Try: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/10min.html?highlight=concat#concat

"pandas provides various facilities for easily combining together Series, DataFrame, and Panel objects with various kinds of set logic for the indexes and relational algebra functionality in the case of join / merge-type operations."

like image 24
Jon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09
