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Pandas DataFrame slow to show shape or dtypes

I'm very new to python and pandas. Any guidance, comment, and suggestion are appreciated!

Here is my issue: it takes couple minutes to return the result after I call df.shape or df.dtypes. The DataFrame has 1,610,658 rows and 5 columns. Three columns are stored as int64, one as float64, and one as datetime64.

I used the following codes to practice load & transform in python. Both load and transform have good performance, but I met this issue when I checked the output.

Update 1:

After setting some columns as index, the df.shape time drops from 80+s down to 1.7s, but the df.dtypes still stay at 80+s

import pandas as pd

# Load
raw = pd.read_csv("data.zip", compression='zip')

# Transform

payment_method = {
   "Cash": 1
   "Card": 2

df = raw. \
        # Encode site ids to int. Only two sites in this data
        site     = (raw.site == "A").astype(int),
        # Encode payment types to int
        payment  = 
            [payment_method.get(k, 0) for k in raw.payment],
        # Rescale values
        amount   = raw.amount / 1e6,
        # Convert integer date key to datetime
        sold_date= pd.to_datetime(
            [str(dt) for dt in raw. sold_date],

# Check point

df.shape # pain point I. Took minutes to return
# Out[9]: (1610658, 5)

df.dtypes # pain point II
# Out[10]: 
# site                       int64
# acct_key                   int64
# sold_date         datetime64[ns]
# amount                   float64
# payment                    int64

If I convert the data frame to numpy.ndarray, I can instantly get the result. I think I must miss something. Please give me some direction.

Thanks a lot!

System: OS X 10.12
Python: 3.6.1
Numpy: 1.12
Pandas: 0.20.2
Jupyter console: 5.1.0

like image 665
Richard H Avatar asked Jun 10 '17 18:06

Richard H

1 Answers

Try to reduce the size of your DataFrame:

int_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=["int"]).columns
df[int_columns] = df[int_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric, downcast='unsigned')
float_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=["float"]).columns
df[float_columns] = df[float_columns].apply(pd.to_numeric, downcast='float')
like image 141
Hai Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 16:12
