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Pandas dataframe add a field based on multiple if statements




I'm quite new to Python and Pandas so this might be an obvious question.

I have a dataframe with ages listed in it. I want to create a new field with an age banding. I can use the lambda statement to capture a single if / else statement but I want to use multiple if's e.g. if age < 18 then 'under 18' elif age < 40 then 'under 40' else '>40'.

I don't think I can do this using lambda but am not sure how to do it in a different way. I have this code so far:

import pandas as pd import numpy as n  d = {'Age' : pd.Series([36., 42., 6., 66., 38.]) }  df = pd.DataFrame(d)  df['Age_Group'] =  df['Age'].map(lambda x: '<18' if x < 19 else '>18')  print(df) 
like image 699
user3302483 Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 16:02


1 Answers

The pandas DataFrame provides a nice querying ability.

What you are trying to do can be done simply with:

# Set a default value df['Age_Group'] = '<40' # Set Age_Group value for all row indexes which Age are greater than 40 df['Age_Group'][df['Age'] > 40] = '>40' # Set Age_Group value for all row indexes which Age are greater than 18 and < 40 df['Age_Group'][(df['Age'] > 18) & (df['Age'] < 40)] = '>18' # Set Age_Group value for all row indexes which Age are less than 18 df['Age_Group'][df['Age'] < 18] = '<18' 

The querying here is a powerful tool of the dataframe and will allow you to manipulate the DataFrame as you need.

For more complex conditionals, you can specify multiple conditions by encapsulating each condition in parenthesis and separating them with a boolean operator ( eg. '&' or '|')

You can see this in work here for the second conditional statement for setting >18.


You can read more about indexing of DataFrame and conditionals:



To see how it works:

>>> d = {'Age' : pd.Series([36., 42., 6., 66., 38.]) } >>> df = pd.DataFrame(d) >>> df    Age 0   36 1   42 2    6 3   66 4   38 >>> df['Age_Group'] = '<40' >>> df['Age_Group'][df['Age'] > 40] = '>40' >>> df['Age_Group'][(df['Age'] > 18) & (df['Age'] < 40)] = '>18' >>> df['Age_Group'][df['Age'] < 18] = '<18' >>> df    Age Age_Group 0   36       >18 1   42       >40 2    6       <18 3   66       >40 4   38       >18 


To see how to do this without the chaining [using EdChums approach].

>>> df['Age_Group'] = '<40' >>> df.loc[df['Age'] < 40,'Age_Group'] = '<40' >>> df.loc[(df['Age'] > 18) & (df['Age'] < 40), 'Age_Group'] = '>18' >>> df.loc[df['Age'] < 18,'Age_Group'] = '<18' >>> df    Age Age_Group 0   36       >18 1   42       <40 2    6       <18 3   66       <40 4   38       >18 
like image 126
Ryan G Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Ryan G