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Paging of frequently changing data

I'm developing a web application which display a list of let's say "threads". The list can be sorted by the amount of likes a thread has. There can be thousands of threads in one list.

The application needs to work in a scenario where the likes of a thread can change more than 10x in a second. The application furthermore is distributed over multiple servers.

I can't figure out an efficient way to enable paging for this sort of list. And I can't transmit the whole sorted list by likes to a user at once.

  • As soon as an user would go to page 2 of this list, it likely changed and may contain threads already listed from page one

Solutions which don't work:

  • Storing the seen threads on the client side (could be too many on mobile)
  • Storing the seen threads on the Server side (too many users and threads)
  • Snapshot the list in temp database table (it's too frequent changing data and it need to be actual)

(If it matters I'm using MongoDB+c#)

How would you solve this kind of problem?

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coalmee Avatar asked Aug 02 '14 21:08


People also ask

What is data pagination?

Pagination is the process of separating print or digital content into discrete pages. For print documents and some online content, pagination also refers to the automated process of adding consecutive numbers to identify the sequential order of pages.

What are the types of pagination?

🔍 Types of pagination There are two pagination strategies that are widely used — offset and cursor.

Does pagination improve performance?

Thanks to pagination, we can split our large dataset into chunks ( or pages ) that we can gradually fetch and display to the user, thus reducing the load on the database. Pagination also solves a lot of performance issues both on the client and server-side!

How is pagination changed?

Choose Format > Page Layout > Pagination. Select one of the options in the Pagination area. If you select Double Sided, also define whether the first page is a left or right page. If you are applying pagination in a book, you can select Read from File to use the page side specified in the file.

2 Answers

Interesting question. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, and by all means let me know if I am, it sounds like the best solution would be to implement a system that, instead of page numbers, uses timestamps. It would be similar to what many of the main APIs already do. I know Tumblr even does this on the dashboard, where this is, of course, not an unreasonable case: there can be tons of posts added in a small amount of time at peak hours, depending on how many people the user follows.

So basically, your "next page" button could just link to /threads/threadindex/1407051000, which could translate to "all the threads that were created before 2014-08-02 17:30. That makes your query super easy to implement. Then, when you pull down all the next elements, you just look for anything that occurred before the last element on the page.

The downfall of this, of course, is that it's hard to know how many new elements have been added since the user started browsing, but you could always log the start time and know anything since then would be new. And it's also difficult for users to type in their own pages, but that's not a problem in most applications. You also need to store the timestamps for every record in your thread, but that's probably already being done, and if it's not then it's certainly not hard to implement. You'll be paying the cost of something like eight bytes extra per record, but that's better than having to store anything about "seen" posts.

It's also nice because, and again this might not apply to you, but a user could bookmark a page in the list, and it would last unchanged forever since it's not relative to anything else.

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Matthew Haugen Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 03:11

Matthew Haugen

This is typically handled using an OLAP cube. The idea here is that you add a natural time dimension. They may be too heavy for this application, but here's a summary in case someone else needs it.

OLAP cubes start with the fundamental concept of time. You have to know what time you care about to be able to make sense of the data.

You start off with a "Time" table:

Time {
  timestamp     long      (PK)
  created       datetime
  last_queried  datetime

This basically tracks snapshots of your data. I've included a last_queried field. This should be updated with the current time any time a user asks for data based on this specific timestamp.

Now we can start talking about "Threads":

Threads {
  id             long      (PK)
  identifier     long
  last_modified  datetime
  title          string
  body           string
  score          int

The id field is an auto-incrementing key; this is never exposed. identifier is the "unique" id for your thread. I say "unique" because there's no unique-ness constraint, and as far as the database is concerned it is not unique. Everything else in there is pretty standard... except... when you do writes you do not update this entry. In OLAP cubes you almost never modify data. Updates and inserts are explained at the end.

Now, how do we query this? You can't just directly query Threads. You need to include a star table:

ThreadStar {
  timestamp          long  (FK -> Time.timestamp)
  thread_id          long  (FK -> Threads.id)
  thread_identifier  long  (matches Threads[thread_id].identifier)
    (timestamp, thread_identifier should be unique)

This table gives you a mapping from what time it is to what the state of all of the threads are. Given a specific timestamp you can get the state of a Thread by doing:

SELECT Thread.*
FROM   Thread
JOIN   ThreadStar ON Thread.id = ThreadStar.thread_id
WHERE  ThreadStar.timestamp = {timestamp}
   AND Thread.identifier = {thread_identifier}

That's not too bad. How do we get a stream of threads? First we need to know what time it is. Basically you want to get the largest timestamp from Time and update Time.last_queried to the current time. You can throw a cache up in front of that that only updates every few seconds, or whatever you want. Once you have that you can get all threads:

SELECT   Thread.*
FROM     Thread
JOIN     ThreadStar ON Thread.id = ThreadStar.thread_id
WHERE    ThreadStar.timestamp = {timestamp}
ORDER BY Thread.score DESC

Nice. We've got a list of threads and the ordering is stable as the actual scores change. You can page through this at your leisure... kind of. Eventually data will be cleaned up and you'll lose your snapshot.

So this is great and all, but now you need to create or update a Thread. Creation and modification are almost identical. Both are handled with an INSERT, the only difference is whether you use an existing identifier or create a new one.

So now you've inserted a new Thread. You need to update ThreadStar. This is the crazy expensive part. Basically you make a copy of all of the ThreadStar entries with the most recent timestamp, except you update the thread_id for the Thread you just modified. That's a crazy amount of duplication. Fortunately it's pretty much only foreign keys, but still.

You also don't do DELETEs either; mark a row as deleted or just exclude it when you update ThreadStar.

Now you're humming along, but you've got crazy amounts of data growing. You'll probably want to clean it out, unless you've got a lot of storage budge, but even then things will start slowing down (aside: this will actually perform shockingly well, even with crazy amounts of data).

Cleanup is pretty straightforward. It's just a matter of some cascading deletes and scrubbing for orphaned data. Delete entries from Time whenever you want (e.g. it's not the latest entry and last_queried is null or older than whatever cutoff). Cascade those deletes to ThreadStar. Then find any Threads with an id that isn't in ThreadStar and scrub those.

This general mechanism also works if you have more nested data, but your queries get harder.

Final note: you'll find that your inserts get really slow because of the sheer amounts of data. Most places build this with appropriate constraints in development and testing environments, but then disable constraints in production!

Yeah. Make sure your tests are solid.

But at least you aren't sensitive to re-ordered data mid-paging.

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Hounshell Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 05:11
