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Pagination with mongoTemplate

I have a Query with Pageable:

Query query = new Query().with(new PageRequests(page, size))

How can I execute it with MongoTemplate ? I don't see a single method returning Page<T>.

like image 755
Marcin Wisnicki Avatar asked Mar 13 '15 11:03

Marcin Wisnicki

Video Answer

2 Answers

It's true that the MongoTemplate doesn't have findXXX with Pageables.

But you can use the Spring Repository PageableExecutionUtils for that.

In your example it would look like this:

Pageable pageable = new PageRequests(page, size);
Query query = new Query().with(pageable);
List<XXX> list = mongoTemplate.find(query, XXX.class);
return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(
                       () -> mongoTemplate.count(Query.of(query).limit(-1).skip(-1), XXX.class));

Like in the original Spring Data Repository, the PageableExecutionUtils will do a count request and wrap it into a nice Page for you.

Here you can see that spring is doing the same.

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d0x Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


Based on d0x's answer and looking at the spring code. I'm using this variation which works off the spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb dependency without needing to add spring data commons.

private MongoOperations mongoOperations;

public Page<YourObjectType> searchCustom(Pageable pageable) {
    Query query = new Query().with(pageable);
    // Build your query here

    List<YourObjectType> list = mongoOperations.find(query, YourObjectType.class);
    long count = mongoOperations.count(query, YourObjectType.class);
    Page<YourObjectType> resultPage = new PageImpl<YourObjectType>(list , pageable, count);
    return resultPage;
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Razzlero Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10
