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Page.RouteData.Values are empty for one page but not another

I have Routing working in ASP.NET c# WebForms using Microsoft.AspNet.FriendlyUrls but not for all pages.

Here is an example:

routes.MapPageRoute("List/{Location}/{ZipCode}/", "List/{Location}/{ZipCode}/", "~/List.aspx");

On the above mentioned page (List.aspx) in the page_load there are no values.count in the Page.RouteData.

Page.RouteData.Values.Count == 0

I have another page in the same site with this info matched to it:

routes.MapPageRoute("{Location}/{ZipCode}/{Name}/{LocID}/{ID}/{Code}/", "{Location}/{ZipCode}/{Name}/{LocID}/{ID}/{Code}/", "~/place.aspx");

This page (place.aspx) always shows the correct count of Routes.

While on the List page in debug mode I checked the querystring and location and the ZipCode were there.

So, what might cause Page.RouteData to not show in one page but be available in another?

like image 584
Jeremy Sanzone Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 07:02

Jeremy Sanzone

1 Answers

I am pretty new to url routing, but I think I ran into a similar problem and also found the solution. Have you tried:

routes.MapPageRoute("ListDetails/{Location}/{ZipCode}/", "ListDetails/{Location}/{ZipCode}/", "~/List.aspx");

instead of

routes.MapPageRoute("List/{Location}/{ZipCode}/", "List/{Location}/{ZipCode}/", "~/List.aspx");


In my case I had:


which showed Page.RouteData.Values always empty.

When I changed it to

    "Admin/Image/Delete/{nameToKill}", // mind the missing 's'

it worked!

I think the route may not start with the URL of a site that actually exists.

like image 180
Tillito Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 08:03
