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Pager-like behavior in RecyclerView

I am trying to implement a ViewPager-like behavior for a horizontal RecyclerView. The data from the adapter should inflate and bind as normal, but the navigation through the Recycler should be handled differently. When the user swipes (or attempts to scroll), I move the Recycler one item in that direction, sticking it to the left side.

I already have all the item transition logic. I am using a custom LayoutManager, which overrides onSmoothScrollToPosition() with a custom LinearSmoothScroller() which does the item to-the-left sticking.

The question is - how can I override the scrolling behavior of the RecyclerView to intercept the swipes and handle them myself? I tried disabling scrolling in the LayoutManager and then intercepting the gesture in an onTouchListener, but this does not seem to work. Does the RecyclerView framework have a clean way to handle this?

like image 766
Kelevandos Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 09:03


People also ask

What is PagerSnapHelper?

OnFlingListener . LinearSnapHelper or PagerSnapHelper are concrete implementations of SnapHelper . They offer most of the functionality needed to implement your custom SnapHelper . Consider extending one of these to suit your needs. For example, LinearSnapHelper snaps to the view closest to the middle of the parent.

What is difference between ViewPager and RecyclerView?

basically in ViewPager you can scroll only one item at time (either left or right), and in RecyclerView you can scroll to any index. it all depends on your requirements how you want to use it.

Does ViewPager use RecyclerView?

ViewPager2 comes with right-to-left support, orientation changes, now you can use RecyclerView with ViewPager which can enable usage of DiffUtils, LayoutManager, PageTransformations, Fragments as pages which are modifiable etc.

2 Answers

The native Android solution covered in this post was a super easy way to get the RecyclerView to behave like a ViewPager.

Relevant bits:

The 24.2.0 version of the support library introduced two new classes (SnapHelper and LinearSnapHelper) that should be used to handle snapping in a RecyclerView. .... The only code needed is:

SnapHelper snapHelper = new LinearSnapHelper(); snapHelper.attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView);

SnapHelper snapHelper = new GravitySnapHelper(Gravity.START); snapHelper.attachToRecyclerView(startRecyclerView);

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sorter Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


there is a library layoutmanagers exactly for this.

the one that you need is ViewPagerLayoutManager. It is based on the same idea you already have but more extended and handles multiple cases. It basically scrolls until there is a change of page & state then takes over and adjust to the right page.

To use it you just need to set it as a normal Layout manager:

recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new ViewPagerLayoutManager(getActivity()));

for more info and examples check here

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kalin Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 08:09
