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Pageant seem to have interference, does not work at all

I have a server setup with my public key and adding my private key to putty allows me to connect to the server properly. When I use pageant however, it doesn't work. My research showed that the event log with pageant running should look something like:

Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
Pageant has X SSH-2 keys
Trying Pageant key #0

however, my event log looks like

Pageant is running. Requesting keys.

It seems like pageant isn't responding to putty's key request. Any help in this would be appreciated.


like image 733
f-z Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 00:11


1 Answers

Seems like if you have a default private key configured like this guy did

enter image description here

Then it can break the pageant keys, it simply doesn't try to use them!

plink -v root@xx.xx.xx.xx fails

Reading private key file "D:\.ssh\id_rsa.ppk"
Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
Pageant has 1 SSH-2 keys
Configured key file not in Pageant
Using username "root".
Offered public key
Server refused our key
Server refused our key

plink -v -i x root@xx.xx.xx.xx which disables the default key

Unable to use key file "x" (unable to open file)
Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
Pageant has 1 SSH-2 keys
Using username "root".
Trying Pageant key #0
Authenticating with public key "key.pem" from agent

You need to see Trying Pageant key #0, #1 ,#2 etc

like image 134
KCD Avatar answered Dec 02 '22 06:12