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page-break-inside doesn't work in table cells with rowSpan?

I want to make PDF rendering of my big report table. But it seems that phantomjs doesn't support the rowSpan attribute. Here is the example:

phantomjs rasterize.js "http://fiddle.jshell.net/eric777/SLtGa/show/" report.pdf A4

Here is the jsfiddle

And here is the result [

Is there workaround for this?


Maybe somebody could be fix this issue in webkit?

like image 650
Erik Avatar asked May 04 '13 11:05


1 Answers

2018 Update

As of March 2018, PhantomJS development has been suspended with the recommendation to use headless Chrome instead. While it appears that WebKit, and therefore Safari, still has this problem, Chrome, including headless Chrome, now splits the table cleanly into 2 pages.

Page split from Opera browser, based on Chrome

Original post

This is not a bug in phantomjs, this is how the WebKit handles page breaks. (Chrome, too.) You can see this by opening the page in Safari and then trying to print it on "US Letter" size. I don't know why you get 3 pages on A4 size when your fiddle fits into 2 pages of (shorter) US Letter size, but I think that is beside the point.

In general all HTML to PDF converters that I am aware of have this exact same problem or have such difficulty solving it that they are considered unacceptably buggy. See How to avoid page break inside table row for wkhtmltopdf for example.

See some ways to use JavaScript to help WebKit break up the table better here, along with more discussion of the problem.

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Old Pro Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 09:11

Old Pro