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Padding an image for use in wxpython

I'm looking for the most efficient way to 'square' an image for use as an icon. For example, I've got a .png file whose dimensions are 24x20.I don't want to change the 'image' part of the image in any way, I just want to add transparent pixels to the edge of the image so it becomes 24x24. My research suggests that I need to create a transparent canvas 24x24, paste my image on to this, then save the result. I'm working in wxpython and was wondering if anyone could guide me through the process. Better yet, I also have PIL installed, and was wondering if there wasn't a built-in way of doing this. It seems like the kind of operation that would be carried out fairly regularly, but none of the imageops methods quite fit the bill.

like image 774
Paul Patterson Avatar asked Dec 19 '11 13:12

Paul Patterson

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1 Answers

Use image.paste to paste the image on a transparent background:

import Image
FNAME = '/tmp/test.png'
top = Image.open(FNAME).convert('RGBA')
new_w = new_h = max(top.size)
background = Image.new('RGBA', size = (new_w,new_h), color = (0, 0, 0, 0))
background.paste(top, (0, 0))
like image 178
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10
