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Padding a string using PadRight method


I am trying to add spaces to end of a string in C#:


Also tried:

Trip_Name1.PadRight(20,' ');

None of this seems to work. However I can pad the string with any other character. Why?

I should have been more specific, here is full code:

lnk_showmatch_1.Text = u_trip.Trip_Name1.PadRight(20,' ');
like image 919
Bruce Avatar asked Sep 05 '11 03:09


People also ask

What is PadRight?

PadRight(Int32, Char) Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.

How do you add padding to a string in Java?

Use the String. format() method to pad the string with spaces on left and right, and then replace these spaces with the given character using String. replace() method. For left padding, the syntax to use the String.

What is padding a string?

String padding refers to adding, usually, non-informative characters to a string to one or both ends of it. This is most often done for output formatting and alignment purposes, but it can have useful practical applications.

2 Answers

String are immutable, they cannot be changed. PadRight returns a new instance of the string padded, not change the one it was called from. What you want is this:

Trip_Name1 = Trip_Name1.PadRight(20,' ');

There is a great discussion on this StackOverflow question as to why strings are immutable.


None of this seems to work. However I can pad the string with any other character.

Are you actually re-assigning it like the example above? If that is the case - then without more detail I can only think of the following:

  1. If you are storing this in a database and retrieving it, some databases with the correct settings may "Trim" for you.
  2. You have logic somewhere else that is trimming the white-spaces. This is common when dealing with user input.


I should have been more specific

I'm going to take a wild guess based on your naming conventions that you are dealing with HTML / ASP.NET. In most cases, in HTML - white space is collapsed. For example:

<div><a>Hello           World</a></div>
<div><a>Hello World</a></div>

Both of the a tags will render the same because the white-space is being collapsed. If you are indeed working with HTML - that is likely your reason and why the padding works for all other characters. If you do a view-source of the markup rendered - does it contain the additional white spaces?

If you wanted to keep the whitespaces, try applying a CSS style on your element called white-space and set it to pre. For example:

<a style="white-space:pre">hello     world      </a>

That will cause the white-space to be preserved. Keep in mind that using white space like this has disadvantages. Browsers don't render them identically, etc. I wouldn't use this for layout purposes. Consider using CSS and something like min-width instead.

like image 159
vcsjones Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09


Keep in mind, that way won't work for any string manipulation functionality because string is immutable. They just return a new string rather than updating the existing instance.

PadRight returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.

string Trip_Name1 = Trip_Name1.PadRight(20,' ');


Your control seems to be trimming the ending spaces. So, try to set the padding for the control rather than for the text.

like image 28
CharithJ Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
