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Packing Project with NuGet in Mono Returns Not Implemented Error





I am attempting to package a project with Mono (4.2.1) & NuGet ( The complete verbose output of the nuget pack Project.csprojis

Attempting to build package from 'Project.csproj'.
The method or operation is not implemented.
like image 471
BenM Avatar asked Dec 21 '15 02:12


1 Answers

nuget pack project.csproj is not currently supported on Mono. Please refer to the appropriate Bugzilla entry.

Using the project file (.csproj) to generate the NuGet package uses parts of MSBuild that are not implemented in Mono. Instead you will need to create a .nuspec file and use nuget pack YourNuspec.nuspec to generate a NuGet package with Mono.

like image 86
Matt Ward Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Matt Ward