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Packaging with Pyinstaller - PyQt5 setStyle ignored

I'm actually have an similar issue as described here after update python, pyistaller, pyqt5, pyqt5-tools. Before I got the desired "Windows Vista-style" without app.setStyle('windowsvista') when I run the compiled stand-alone executable.

Now I got the Windows "Classic-style" instead. If I start the application in PyCharm it will use the desired "Windows Vista-style".

Currently installed on Win7 64bit:

Python : 3.6.4

PyInstaller: 3.3.1

PyQt5 : 5.10

pyqt5-tools: (update to doesn't work)

Does anyone have any idea why PyInstaller ignored the style?

like image 464
HMside Avatar asked Feb 05 '18 16:02


1 Answers

The error seems to have been fixed in a unmerged branch of PyInstaller. More information can be found on the GitHub pull request conversation, but reinstalling PyInstaller using pip install https://github.com/bjones1/pyinstaller/archive/pyqt5_fix.zip fixed the same style issue for me on Mac.

like image 67
Aidan Wolk Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

Aidan Wolk