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Pack header and data layout in one byte array using ByteBuffer in an efficient way?

I have a header and data which I need to represent in one Byte Array. And I have a particular format for packing the header in a Byte Array and also a different format to pack the data in a Byte Array. After I have these two, I need to make one final Byte Array out of it.

Below is the layout which is how defined in C++ and accordingly I have to do in Java.

// below is my header offsets layout

// addressedCenter must be the first byte
static constexpr uint32_t  addressedCenter      = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t  version              = addressedCenter + 1;
static constexpr uint32_t  numberOfRecords      = version + 1;
static constexpr uint32_t  bufferUsed           = numberOfRecords + sizeof(uint32_t);
static constexpr uint32_t  location             = bufferUsed + sizeof(uint32_t);
static constexpr uint32_t  locationFrom         = location + sizeof(CustomerAddress);
static constexpr uint32_t  locationOrigin       = locationFrom + sizeof(CustomerAddress);
static constexpr uint32_t  partition            = locationOrigin + sizeof(CustomerAddress);
static constexpr uint32_t  copy                 = partition + 1;

// this is the full size of the header
static constexpr uint32_t headerOffset = copy + 1;

And CustomerAddress is a typedef for uint64_t and it is made up like this -

typedef uint64_t   CustomerAddress;

void client_data(uint8_t datacenter, 
                 uint16_t clientId, 
                 uint8_t dataId, 
                 uint32_t dataCounter,
                 CustomerAddress& customerAddress)
    customerAddress = (uint64_t(datacenter) << 56)
                    + (uint64_t(clientId) << 40)
                    + (uint64_t(dataId) << 32)
                    + dataCounter;

And below is my data layout -

// below is my data layout -
// key type - 1 byte
// key len - 1 byte
// key (variable size = key_len)
// timestamp (sizeof uint64_t)
// data size (sizeof uint16_t)
// data (variable size = data size)

Problem Statement:-

Now for a part of project, I am trying to represent overall stuff in one particular class in Java so that I can just pass the necessary fields and it can make me a final Byte Array out of it which will have the header first and then the data:

Below is my DataFrame class:

public final class DataFrame {
  private final byte addressedCenter;
  private final byte version;
  private final Map<byte[], byte[]> keyDataHolder;
  private final long location;
  private final long locationFrom;
  private final long locationOrigin;
  private final byte partition;
  private final byte copy;

  public DataFrame(byte addressedCenter, byte version,
      Map<byte[], byte[]> keyDataHolder, long location, long locationFrom,
      long locationOrigin, byte partition, byte copy) {
    this.addressedCenter = addressedCenter;
    this.version = version;
    this.keyDataHolder = keyDataHolder;
    this.location = location;
    this.locationFrom = locationFrom;
    this.locationOrigin = locationOrigin;
    this.partition = partition;
    this.copy = copy;

  public byte[] serialize() {
    // All of the data is embedded in a binary array with fixed maximum size 70000
    ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(70000);

    int numOfRecords = keyDataHolder.size();
    int bufferUsed = getBufferUsed(keyDataHolder); // 36 + dataSize + 1 + 1 + keyLength + 8 + 2;

    // header layout
    byteBuffer.put(addressedCenter); // byte
    byteBuffer.put(version); // byte
    byteBuffer.putInt(numOfRecords); // int
    byteBuffer.putInt(bufferUsed); // int
    byteBuffer.putLong(location); // long
    byteBuffer.putLong(locationFrom); // long
    byteBuffer.putLong(locationOrigin); // long
    byteBuffer.put(partition); // byte
    byteBuffer.put(copy); // byte

    // now the data layout
    for (Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry : keyDataHolder.entrySet()) {
      byte keyType = 0;
      byte keyLength = (byte) entry.getKey().length;
      byte[] key = entry.getKey();
      byte[] data = entry.getValue();
      short dataSize = (short) data.length;

      ByteBuffer dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
      long timestamp = 0;

      if (dataSize > 10) {
        timestamp = dataBuffer.getLong(2);              

    return byteBuffer.array();

  private int getBufferUsed(final Map<byte[], byte[]> keyDataHolder) {
    int size = 36;
    for (Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> entry : keyDataHolder.entrySet()) {
      size += 1 + 1 + 8 + 2;
      size += entry.getKey().length;
      size += entry.getValue().length;
    return size;

And below is how I am using my above DataFrame class:

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // header layout
    byte addressedCenter = 0;
    byte version = 1;

    long location = packCustomerAddress((byte) 12, (short) 13, (byte) 32, (int) 120);
    long locationFrom = packCustomerAddress((byte) 21, (short) 23, (byte) 41, (int) 130);
    long locationOrigin = packCustomerAddress((byte) 21, (short) 24, (byte) 41, (int) 140);

    byte partition = 3;
    byte copy = 0;

    // this map will have key as the actual key and value as the actual data, both in byte array
    // for now I am storing only two entries in this map
    Map<byte[], byte[]> keyDataHolder = new HashMap<byte[], byte[]>();
    for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
      keyDataHolder.put(generateKey(), getMyData());

    DataFrame records =
        new DataFrame(addressedCenter, version, keyDataHolder, location, locationFrom,
            locationOrigin, partition, copy);

    // this will give me final packed byte array
    // which will have header and data in it.
    byte[] packedArray = records.serialize();

  private static long packCustomerAddress(byte datacenter, short clientId, byte dataId,
      int dataCounter) {
    return ((long) (datacenter) << 56) | ((long) clientId << 40) | ((long) dataId << 32)
        | ((long) dataCounter);

As you can see in my DataFrame class, I am allocating ByteBuffer with predefined size of 70000. Is there a better way by which I can allocate the size I am using while making ByteBuffer instead of using a hardcoded 70000?

Also is there any better way as compared to what I am doing which packs my header and data in one byte array? I also need to make sure it is thread safe since it can be called by multiple threads.

like image 584
john Avatar asked Jan 16 '17 23:01


People also ask

What is the byte order of ByteBuffer?

By default, the order of a ByteBuffer object is BIG_ENDIAN. If a byte order is passed as a parameter to the order method, it modifies the byte order of the buffer and returns the buffer itself. The new byte order may be either LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN.

What is a ByteBuffer?

A ByteBuffer is a buffer which provides for transferring bytes from a source to a destination. In addition to storage like a buffer array, it also provides abstractions such as current position, limit, capacity, etc. A FileChannel is used for transferring data to and from a file to a ByteBuffer.

What does ByteBuffer wrap do?

wrap. Wraps a byte array into a buffer. The new buffer will be backed by the given byte array; that is, modifications to the buffer will cause the array to be modified and vice versa. The new buffer's capacity and limit will be array.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Is there a better way by which I can allocate the size I am using while making ByteBuffer instead of using a hardcoded 70000?

There are at least two, non-overlapping approaches. You may use both.

One is buffer pooling. You should find out how many buffers you need during peak periods, and use a maximum above it, e.g. max + max / 2, max + average, max + mode, 2 * max.

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class ByteBufferPool {
    private final int bufferCapacity;
    private final LinkedBlockingDeque<ByteBuffer> queue;

    public ByteBufferPool(int limit, int bufferCapacity) {
        if (limit < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("limit must not be negative.");
        if (bufferCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferCapacity must not be negative.");

        this.bufferCapacity = bufferCapacity;
        this.queue = (limit == 0) ? null : new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(limit);

    public ByteBuffer acquire() {
        ByteBuffer buffer = (queue == null) ? null : queue.pollFirst();
        if (buffer == null) {
            buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferCapacity);
        else {
        return buffer;

    public boolean release(ByteBuffer buffer) {
        if (buffer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer must not be null.");
        if (buffer.capacity() != bufferCapacity) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer has unsupported capacity.");
        if (buffer.isDirect()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer must not be direct.");
        if (buffer.isReadOnly()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer must not be read-only.");

        return (queue == null) ? false : queue.offerFirst(buffer);

    public void withBuffer(Consumer<ByteBuffer> action) {
        if (action == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("action must not be null.");

        ByteBuffer buffer = acquire();
        try {
        finally {

    public <T> T withBuffer(Function<ByteBuffer, T> function) {
        if (function == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("function must not be null.");

        ByteBuffer buffer = acquire();
        try {
            return function.apply(buffer);
        finally {

    public <T> CompletionStage<T> withBufferAsync(Function<ByteBuffer, CompletionStage<T>> asyncFunction) {
        if (asyncFunction == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("asyncFunction must not be null.");

        ByteBuffer buffer = acquire();
        CompletionStage<T> future = null;
        try {
            future = asyncFunction.apply(buffer);
        finally {
            if (future == null) {
            else {
                future = future.whenComplete((result, throwable) -> release(buffer));
        return future;

The withBuffer methods allow a straight forward usage of the pool, while the acquire and release allow separating the acquisition and releasing points.

Another one is segregating the serialization interface, e.g. the put, putInt and putLong, where you can then implement a byte counting class and an actual byte buffering class. You should add a method to such interface to know if the serializer is counting bytes or buffering, in order to avoid unnecessary byte generation, and another method to increment byte usage directly, useful when calculating the size of a string in some encoding without actually serializing.

public interface ByteSerializer {
    ByteSerializer put(byte value);

    ByteSerializer putInt(int value);

    ByteSerializer putLong(long value);

    boolean isSerializing();

    ByteSerializer add(int bytes);

    int position();


public class ByteCountSerializer implements ByteSerializer {
    private int count = 0;

    public ByteSerializer put(byte value) {
        count += 1;
        return this;

    public ByteSerializer putInt(int value) {
        count += 4;
        return this;

    public ByteSerializer putLong(long value) {
        count += 8;
        return this;

    public boolean isSerializing() {
        return false;

    public ByteSerializer add(int bytes) {
        if (bytes < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytes must not be negative.");

        count += bytes;
        return this;

    public int position() {
        return count;


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class ByteBufferSerializer implements ByteSerializer {
    private final ByteBuffer buffer;

    public ByteBufferSerializer(int bufferCapacity) {
        if (bufferCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferCapacity must not be negative.");

        this.buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferCapacity);

    public ByteSerializer put(byte value) {
        return this;

    public ByteSerializer putInt(int value) {
        return this;

    public ByteSerializer putLong(long value) {
        return this;

    public boolean isSerializing() {
        return true;

    public ByteSerializer add(int bytes) {
        if (bytes < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytes must not be negative.");

        for (int b = 0; b < bytes; b++) {
        return this;
        // or throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public int position() {
        return buffer.position();

    public ByteBuffer buffer() {
        return buffer;

In your code, you'd do something along these lines (not tested):

ByteCountSerializer counter = new ByteCountSerializer();
ByteBufferSerializer serializer = new ByteByfferSerializer(counter.position());
ByteBuffer buffer = serializer.buffer();
// ... write buffer, ?, profit ...

Your DataFrame.serialize method should be refactored to accept a ByteSerializer, and in cases where it would generate data, it should check isSerializing to know if it should only calculate the size or actually write bytes.

I leave combining both approaches as an exercise, mainly because it depends a lot on how you decide to do it.

For instance, you may make ByteBufferSerializer use the pool directly and keep an arbitrary capacity (e.g. your 70000), you may pool ByteBuffers by capacity (but instead of the needed capacity, use the least power of 2 greater than the needed capacity, and set the buffer's limit before returning from acquire), or you may pool ByteBufferSerializers directly as long as you add a reset() method.

Also is there any better way as compared to what I am doing which packs my header and data in one byte array?

Yes. Pass around the byte buffering instance instead of having certain methods return byte arrays which are discarded the moment after their length is checked or their contents are copied.

I also need to make sure it is thread safe since it can be called by multiple threads.

As long as each buffer is being used by only one thread, with proper synchronization, you don't have to worry.

Proper synchronization means your pool manager has acquire and release semantics in its methods, and that if a buffer is used by multiple threads between fetching it from and returning it to the pool, you are adding release semantics in the thread that stops using the buffer and adding acquire semantics in the thread that starts using the buffer. For instance, if you're passing the buffer through CompletableFutures, you shouldn't have to worry about this, or if you're communicating explicitly between threads with an Exchanger or a proper implementation of BlockingQueue.

From java.util.concurrent's package description:

The methods of all classes in java.util.concurrent and its subpackages extend these guarantees to higher-level synchronization. In particular:

  • Actions in a thread prior to placing an object into any concurrent collection happen-before actions subsequent to the access or removal of that element from the collection in another thread.

  • Actions in a thread prior to the submission of a Runnable to an Executor happen-before its execution begins. Similarly for Callables submitted to an ExecutorService.

  • Actions taken by the asynchronous computation represented by a Future happen-before actions subsequent to the retrieval of the result via Future.get() in another thread.

  • Actions prior to "releasing" synchronizer methods such as Lock.unlock, Semaphore.release, and CountDownLatch.countDown happen-before actions subsequent to a successful "acquiring" method such as Lock.lock, Semaphore.acquire, Condition.await, and CountDownLatch.await on the same synchronizer object in another thread.

  • For each pair of threads that successfully exchange objects via an Exchanger, actions prior to the exchange() in each thread happen-before those subsequent to the corresponding exchange() in another thread.

  • Actions prior to calling CyclicBarrier.await and Phaser.awaitAdvance (as well as its variants) happen-before actions performed by the barrier action, and actions performed by the barrier action happen-before actions subsequent to a successful return from the corresponding await in other threads.

like image 164
acelent Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
