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Owl Carousel 2 Nav on Sides

Hi I'm using Owl Carousel version 2 and can't find an example to put the navigation on the sides of the carousel like right and left chevrons or arrows. How do you do it?

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SemanticUI Avatar asked Nov 05 '16 20:11


1 Answers

I just did this yesterday:)

Firstly make sure nav is turned on in the config


   $('#_samewidth_images').owlCarousel({       margin:10,       autoWidth:false,       nav:true,       items:4,       navText : ['<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>','<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>']   }) 

This will inject the controls into the DOM, see


<div class="owl-carousel owl-theme owl-loaded">     <div class="owl-stage-outer">         <div class="owl-stage">             <div class="owl-item">...</div>             <div class="owl-item">...</div>             <div class="owl-item">...</div>         </div>     </div>     <div class="owl-controls">         <div class="owl-nav">             <div class="owl-prev">prev</div>             <div class="owl-next">next</div>         </div>         <div class="owl-dots">             <div class="owl-dot active"><span></span></div>             <div class="owl-dot"><span></span></div>             <div class="owl-dot"><span></span></div>         </div>     </div> </div> 

Next use CSS to position the Next and Prev controls, this is what I used:

.owl-prev {     width: 15px;     height: 100px;     position: absolute;     top: 40%;     margin-left: -20px;     display: block !important;     border:0px solid black; }  .owl-next {     width: 15px;     height: 100px;     position: absolute;     top: 40%;     right: -25px;     display: block !important;     border:0px solid black; } .owl-prev i, .owl-next i {transform : scale(1,6); color: #ccc;} 

For my icons I used Font Awesome but you could use anything similar. Note the navText in the javascript code, this is where you put your custom HTML. I guess you could use an image too (or put it in the background of the .owl-next and .owl-prev divs. Note I used transform to make my arrows higher.

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KevInSol Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09
