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Overriding TableRow hover CSS on Material-ui in React

Been going round in circles on this. Clearly I'm not fully understanding how class overrides work in Material-ui.

I tried this answer: CSS on Material UI components but it didn't work (no errors), perhaps because I'm using a stateful component rather than the stateless one in the example.

Currently I'm trying this...

<TableRow className={styles.tableRow}
    key={n.id} hover
    onClick={event => this.handleRowClick(event, n.id)}
    classes={{ 'hover': {color: '#7EA5FF'}}} >

But I get this error: the key hover provided to the classes property is not valid for TableRow. You need to provide a non empty string instead of: [object Object].

Help appreciated. Thanks.

like image 873
Graeme Avatar asked Aug 12 '18 20:08


2 Answers

In the code you shared, you have



classes={{ 'hover': {color: '#7EA5FF'}}

You should put your style modification in the declaration of styles.tableRow and delete the props className because it seems not be in the api. https://material-ui.com/api/table-row/

Something like:

const styles = theme => ({
     tableRow: {
      hover: {
         /// your styles...

render() {
 // I think you should use the props classes, because it's the name of 
 // the props to get the style from the function HOC withStyles of MUI
 const classes = this.props.classes;
 return (
    key={n.id} hover
    onClick={event => this.handleRowClick(event, n.id)}

If you share all the code of your component in a sandbox or something like it I can help you more. I need to see your variable where you declare the style and I need to see how you pass it to the component.

It's because material-ui is based on JSS to style the component. It's a bit disturbing when you are not familiar with it.

Here is a good exemple for your case


And here is a good documentation about it too


like image 187
boursbenjamin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  hover: {
    "&:hover": {
      backgroundColor: "green !important",

 const classes = useStyles();
<TableRow hover classes={{hover: classes.hover,}}/>
like image 28
SaimumIslam27 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
