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Overriding Size of Django Admin Multi-select Widget

Newbie Django question: I'd like the Django admin to display more rows of choices in the multi-select widget. I have an extremely long list to select from and the default 4 rows just isn't convenient, especially when scrolling.

Right now, that widget is rendered as select multiple but I'd like it to be select multiple size="12". Ideally this should be for specific fields, but I can live with all fields rendering with the same size attribute.

So where would be the optimal place in Django to change that?

like image 709
Thomas Nashe Avatar asked Sep 08 '12 11:09

Thomas Nashe

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1 Answers

I did this in the admin.py by setting a blanket size for all ManyToManyField items, for instance:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.forms import SelectMultiple
from django.db import models
from models import *

class RiverAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = { models.ManyToManyField: {'widget': SelectMultiple(attrs={'size':'10'})}, }

admin.site.register(River, RiverAdmin)
like image 154
Jason Champion Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Jason Champion