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Overriding Default CSS in ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit's TabContainer Control

I am using the ASP.NET AJAX TabContainer control in a web application. I've placed images in the headers for each tab rather than using text - but the images are truncated b/c the default CSS for TabContainer states that the header is only 13px high:

.ajax__tab_xp .ajax__tab_header .ajax__tab_tab 
    background:url("tab.gif") repeat-x;

I have a CSS file I'm using and have added the following line to override that contained in the default CSS for TabContainer:

.ajax__tab_xp .ajax__tab_header .ajax__tab_tab 
    background:url("tab.gif") repeat-x;

But it is still using the default 13px, why?

You can see the default css file here: Default CSS File

like image 244
Dave Mackey Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 18:01

Dave Mackey

1 Answers

Try using !important like this:

.ajax__tab_xp .ajax__tab_header .ajax__tab_tab 
    height:83px !important;

by the way, If you don't change other properties of the default class, you don't have to retype them...

like image 135
Amir Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 08:01
