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Override the default behavior of Backspace in AutoCompleteTextView

I'm using a AutoCompleteTextView, the default behavior of the backspace button goes something like this.

Say i type "Ar", this gives me a suggestion "Argentina", i select "Argentina" from the drop down...The Text now becomes "Argentina ". But say i need to remove the last character, so I hit backspace on the keyboard, the AutcompleteTextView removes all the text till the point i typed (ie. the text now becomes "Ar" again).

How do i eliminate this behavior and let the text in the AutoComplete to behave normally?

At first I thought it was some kind of SpannableString so i called "clearSpans()" but it doesn't seem to work. Any pointers?

Thanks in advance. :)

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st0le Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 08:11


1 Answers

I think you use the MultiAutoCompleteTextView which add the setTokenizer(new SpaceTokenizer()). If you use AutoCompleteTextView instead of MultiAutoCompleteTextView and remove the setTokenizer(...) the problem will be gone.

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Ted Yu Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11

Ted Yu