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Override c++ streams




In a C++ program, we have 3 streams: stdin, stdout, and stderr. Can I override these in a console application and use them in a application that uses forms?

For example, if in some base class, I have cout<< "...", can I "redirect" to something visual (like a Windows Form)?

like image 687
Bakudan Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 00:08


1 Answers

What I would recommend doing is having a class which wraps around an iostream like this :

#include <iostream>
#define LOG Log()

class Log
         // Add an newline.
         std::cout << std::endl;

      template<typename T>
      Log &operator << (const T &t)
         std::cout << t;
         return * this;

Then, whenever you want to change where the data goes, you just change the class behavior. Here is how you use the class:

 LOG << "Use this like an iostream.";

[edit] As potato swatter suggested, I'll add an example with something other than cout:

#include <sstream>
#define LOG Log()

// An example with a string stream.
class Log
      static std::stringstream buf;
         // Add an newline.
         buf << std::endl;

      template<typename T>
      Log &operator << (const T &t)
         buf << t;
         return * this;

// Define the static member, somewhere in an implementation file.
std::stringstream Log::buf;

As for why you should try this instead of inheriting from something like a string stream, mainly because you can easily change where the Logger outputs to dynamically. For instance, you could have three different output streams, and use a static member variable to swap between at runtime:

class Log
      static int outputIndex = 0;
      // Add a few static streams in here.
      static std::stringstream bufOne;
      static std::stringstream bufTwo;
      static std::stringstream bufThree;
      // Constructor/ destructor goes here.

      template<typename T>
      Log &operator << (const T &t)
         // Switch between different outputs.
         switch (outputIndex)
            case 1:
               bufOne << t;
            case 2:
               bufTwo << t;
            case 3:
               bufThree << t;
               std::cout << t;
         return * this;

      static void setOutputIndex(int _outputIndex)
          outputIndex = _outputIndex;

// In use
LOG << "Print to stream 1";
LOG << "Print to stream 2";
LOG << "Print to stream 3";
LOG << "Print to cout";

This can easily be expanded to create a powerful way of dealing with logging. You could add filestreams, use std::cerr, etc.

like image 120
Darcy Rayner Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09

Darcy Rayner