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Override android gradle versionCode form command line

i have a build.gradle file in my android app with this settings:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "some.app.id"
        versionName '1.2'
        versionCode 3

My AndroidManifest.xml does not contain versionCode and not contain versionName.

Now i want to build this app on Jenkins and pass BUILD_NUMBER as a versionCode for app, so that every build has a higher version.

So in job I hava a call:

./gradlew -PversionCode=$BUILD_NUMBER clean build

When i use "versionCode" to rename "app-release.apk" value of versionCode is the same as passed from command line:

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    variant.outputs.each { output ->
        output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent, output.outputFile.name.replace("app-release.apk", "MyApp_" + "_v" + versionName + "." + versionCode + ".apk"))


So I have a default value of "versionCode" set to 3, but when building on Jenkins I want to override it from command line.

The problem

The problem is that in AndroidManifest inside build .apk app has versionCode set to 3 instead of value from BUILD_NUMBER. I checked it with "aapt dump badging"

The question

Can this value "versionCode" from android defaultConfig be overriden by command line parameter?

I know, I could use a function as explained in: http://robertomurray.co.uk/blog/2013/gradle-android-inject-version-code-from-command-line-parameter/ but I prefer the cleaner way of simple override but I cant get it working.

like image 584
ljader Avatar asked Jun 26 '15 10:06


People also ask

How do I change the project version in gradle?

One way to upgrade the Gradle version is manually change the distributionUrl property in the Wrapper's gradle-wrapper. properties file. The better and recommended option is to run the wrapper task and provide the target Gradle version as described in Adding the Gradle Wrapper.

What is versionCode and versionName in Android?

versionCode — A positive integer used as an internal version number. This number is used only to determine whether one version is more recent than another, with higher numbers indicating more recent versions. This is not the version number shown to users; that number is set by the versionName setting, below.

1 Answers

You can use properties by defining them in a gradle.properties file, see gradle documentation. But you'll have to be really careful which names you use for your properties: if you use versionName that property will have the correct value in gradle (you can println it) but it won't end up in your AndroidManifest.xml! So I chose to use 'versName'. (I don't know enough about gradle to understand why this is so...)

So in your project's gradle.properties you can define the following properties: versCode=3 versName=1.2

And then change the build.gradle file into:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "some.app.id"
        versionName versName
        versionCode versCode as Integer

Now you can override them on the command line like this: ./gradlew -PversCode=4 -PversName=2.1.3 clean build

like image 180
user2143491 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
