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Override an overridden method (C#)




I'm trying to override an overridden method (if that makes sense!) in C#.

I have a scenario similar to the below, but when I have a breakpoint in the SampleMethod() in the "C" class it's not being hit, whilst the same breakpoint in the "B" method is being hit.

public class A {       protected virtual void SampleMethod() {} }  public class B : A  {       protected override void SampleMethod()       {            base.SampleMethod();        } }  public class C : B {       protected override void SampleMethod()        {            base.SampleMethod();        } } 

Thanks in advance!


Ok, the context would help:

This is in the context of a composite control so class A inherits from CompositeControl and calls SampleMethod() after overriding the CreateChildControls() method.

like image 581
Robert W Avatar asked Jul 20 '09 11:07

Robert W

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To prevent being overridden, use the sealed in C#. When you use sealed modifiers in C# on a method, then the method loses its capabilities of overriding. The sealed method should be part of a derived class and the method must be an overridden method.

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2 Answers

Overriding can be performed in a chain as long as you like. The code you have shown is correct.

The only possible explanation for the behaviour you are seeing is that the object to which you are referring is actually of type B. I suggest that you double check this, and if things still don't make sense, post the other appropiate code.

like image 164
Noldorin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10


Without seeing the code that calls SampleMethod, my guess would be that you have an object of type B and call SampleMethod on that.

like image 44
Colin Mackay Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Colin Mackay